Why is it all sucky? (Probably the longest OcUK post ever)

Wow today was hard, I went shopping to get some stuff for easter and have to walk past the shop were she works, I just wanted to run in there and talk to her. Obviously my mind won over my heart and I walked away.

Shes been in some strange moods lately. Wednesday she told me she was getting a summer job and tried to convince me to work at the same place, then said she was going shopping and would talk to me about it later. She never came back but sent me this strange message about absolutely nothing - the sort of message I used to send to her when I really missed her.

Then on friday I was speaking to her and came out and asked her if she was messing me about because of her frequent mood swings, she told me it was because she was tired, but that was sort of dodging the question, again I got the 'I'm just popping out for a bit, I'll be back later line' she never did come back though obviously.

I kind of know that ignoring her is right, but I sort of feel mean for doing it because I know shes behaving like that because of problems shes had/got.

Anyway thats not the real point of this post.

Right, a friend of mine who worked with Girl 1 and me has just got back from a 2 month world trip, and sent me a message asking me if I wanted to meet up at some point. Obviously since shes my friend I said yes. Then I realised that she was also quite good freinds with Girl 1 and still thinks that we are sort of together/friends.

It has been brought to my attention by someone else that when we meet up Girl 1 will be there, and there will only be about 5 of us in total. Now I am a bit worried about seeing Girl 1 again (because it would be her style to start leading me on again and I really don't need that and I couldn't honestly say I'd be able to resist...), but obviously I don't want to dissapoint my friend.

What do I do?? Do you think it would be wise to maybe speak to my friend and see what she thinks, because I am pretty sure that if she finds out what happened then she won't want to see this Girl again (Thats what she quite seriously told the girl when they first met).

Slightly aside to that its been abit weird in the last 2 days, because as soon as I had been told about the possibility of seeing Girl 1 again I saw her twice. Once yesterday as my mate was dropping someone else home - I noticed someone staring at me as we were in a queue of traffic, and then today I was driving to go shopping when I sort of recognised someone coming towards me, I don't think she thought she'd see me again so soon because she almost drove into the side of me...
M0T said:
Wow today was hard, I went shopping to get some stuff for easter and have to walk past the shop were she works, I just wanted to run in there and talk to her. Obviously my mind won over my heart and I walked away.


She came on the ole interwebnet and got quite upset because she saw me not come and see her.

She then told me she was the easter bunny and that she would put her playboy bunny costume on for me.

I don't know why but I just feel really sorry for her because shes obviously so pathetic that she needs constant attention from people.

I actually feel somewhat happy and free!

But problem 2 of the previous post is worrying me because it looks like it might just end up being me, Girl 1 and my friend. I might develop a strategic migraine but I am worried about what girl 1 might say to my friend if I am not there.
Behemoth said:
Unfortunatley for me Carrie took it to the next level and pointed a knife at me when I ignored her attention seeking antics, I walked away from her and haven't seen or spoken to her for 6 months now.

When my little sister was at the height of her attention seeking antics she tried to stab me in the face with a dinner knife. The only reason I still have 2 eyes is because my reflexs are quite fast, I didn't feel any remorse about almost breaking her arm. Thats an occasion where it is ok to hit a 'woman'.

Only problem with her is that you can't ignore your sister who lives in the same house as you.
Shes a lot better now but she still has her moments, although she knows that I won't take any of her crap any more so its just my mum and sister that get it.

She is very much mental.
Zefan said:
Chris1712 just msn'd me and said "I think he beat u" which is understatement of the century. IMO that simply is too long, although I totally understand that sometimes you need to just get it out. Hope whatever it is (Girls almost certainly) sorts itself out though as I know how rubbish it can all be. Try to distance yourself.

It made me feel so much better to write it out though. At the time I was just totally stressed about everything.
Who is Tony Parsons??

I delivered an ultimatum to her last night.

I told her that I thought she was deliberatly using me to get attention, that she constantly had mood swings and shed go from liking me ot hating me in a very short space of time and it wasn't fair. I told her that anyone else would have just ignored her after the first time she did it and I had been patient with her because I knew she'd had problems, but if she didn't explain herself then I didn't want anything more to do with her.

She replied and said she was sorry and she had not meant to behave so bizarrely and she didn't know why she did it. She then sent me a load of text messages and came on to talk to me earlier over msn, although she was tired because she hadn't slept much because she was worried about having upset me. Although her tiredness also made her very difficult to have a conversation with.

The only problem with this is that I still don't know if she wants to just be friends or if she still wants to go out with me. Although I'm not entirely sure she is ready to have a relationship with anyone, maybe in about 5 years when she has grown up.
She managed a record failure, less than 12 hours she lasted.

The last time I spoke to her the conversation went:

Her: Sorry I am just so tired, I'll go get lunch and have a nap
Her: Speak to you later
Me: Today?
Her: Yeah
Her: Bye Bye!

Obviously I haven't heard from her. Now most people would say that I should give her the benefit of the doubt but she has said that before and not come back and the next day she delights in telling me how she sat at home the night before doing nothing and had nobody to talk to.

Obviously she overestimated my patience. Even my closest friends have told me to get rid of her, and up until this evening they were telling me to give her a chance.
The problem is that I have tried to find out whats wrong several times and she says that everythings fine. She has hinted at things once when she was a little drunk. I have told her that I don't know where I stand and I would like to and she just ignored it. She just won't admit to me that shes doing anything.

I would like more than anything to be her friend and more but there comes a point when if someone is not willing to open up to you, and you are just getting hurt yourself you have to walk away. Especially if you have known them this long and you just keep getting pushed away.
Unfortunatly her idea of busy is sat at home watching the telly. Which is what she did the other week when I asked her if she wanted to do something.

I should have realised she was being a bit dodgy last night. I was trying to sort everything out via text messages, I thought she was out and lets be fair any sane person would have come on msn or phoned to try and sort things out. I found out that she was just watching telly, probably wanted to stay on texts so she had a load of time to think about exactly what to say.
Treefrog said:
it seems that some lasses like to play the "see how many I can keep hanging at once" game. Sorry love, I've got better things to do.
Either it's two way or no way.

Up until I met this girl I didn't believe anyone could do that, and I just thought I was being paranoid for a long time. I suppose she was just doing it to me because I am an easy target really.
Right I had it out with her properly.

She basically just wants to be friends because she doesn't want to be with anyone and she didn't mean to keep confusing me like that but she didn't know what she wanted, but does now.

I can't be friends with her because the rest of her uni friends don't like me and none of my friends want to see her again. So basically if I were to ever see her it would be on our own like a date and I don't want to be in that scenario.
The annoying thing about it was she said that and then was seeing the songs I was playing using that msn 'what am i listening to' feature and asking me if they were about her (Savage Garden - Want You, Vertical Horizon - You're a God + Everything You Want) so then she went and put a song on with a title like 'I'm messing you up'.

Today she was talking to me and I said I was bored and was thinking about going out, she said I should do something with one of my friends. I said I didn't think that the friends I had online would want to see me, then stupidly said something that made her think I was talking about her so she started saying things like 'why don't you just ask and suprise whoever it is you mean ;)'.

She has also asked me about 5 times today what I am doing all week then every time I tell her I don't have anything planned she says shes doing nothing and how boring it will be.

My mates think she was just saying that friends thing because she wants me to try harder to change her mind. I think she needs to go and see a doctor.

She did tell me that the reason she sometimes doesn't come back when she says she will is because they only have the net on one pc and she has to fight her sister to use it.
She doesn't want him anymore I don't think. When she did I heard about him quite a bit and she was round him a lot, from what she was saying she was using him to try and get rid of me for a bit whilst she worked stuff out and he was in on it.

Edit: She can't have me either. Think I'm gonna go out tomorrow and see what I can find so to speak.
Haha I decided to update because this seemed quite funny to me

I have been speaking to her over msn because we are on the same course and have a few exams coming up, so I thought she owed me a bit of help with that, so shes been sending me revision notes and things.

Anyway last night shes telling me she wants to go travelling somewhere this summer and asked me if I wanted to go anywhere. Anyway we had this whole conversation and she ended up asking me if I would go away with her. So I'm a bit drunk and reply with 'yeah sure, do you want to do something this week then?' I get the response 'I'm really busy with stuff, so probably not.'

Haven't heard from her since I called that bluff...but luckily I already have all the revision material I need :)
She just texted me and told me she really wants to see me but is totally stressed out about an exam we have next week and promises to come out with me soon.

She then told me she was in a pub with the people from work and promises that she isn't drunk (although what business that is of mine is anybodies guess), so she is obviously not that worried about it...

I replied and told her to stop telling me lies and go away, no response and I'm not expecting one.

Also on a negative my car is knackered, variable valve control is failing and the piston rings have gone :(
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