Why is it...

11 Oct 2005
Manchester, UK
You never seem to be interested in the women that actually like you? :o .

Maybe it's just me but I never seem to be interested in the women that I know are interested in me. I always seem to end up chasing women with issues and the ones that I know aren't the relationship sorts and I just end up getting baffled by them, yet I can't seem to change.

I think I just crave the chase and it ****** me off.
probly cause most women that like us men type people are ugly and the ones we cant have like angilina jolie ......... hold up im busy
Just split up with my bird, end of the world is nigh and all that, then have my brother and parents :eek: :eek: saying that I just can't see all the girls that have fancied me over the years.

For Christ's sake, couldn't they have told me? :mad:
At the moment i'd just be happy for a girl to be genuinely interested in me. The last handfull have literally been out to use me.

Not sure why I let it happen though.
Glad it's not just me then lol. It's like the type of girls I go for are the type least likely to be interested in me.

I've even tried liking the ones who like me but it just doesn't feel good :(.
DanTheMan said:
I've even tried liking the ones who like me but it just doesn't feel good :(.

I did that once, actually started falling for her, but by the time I had realised this, it was too late in her eyes. Ironic.
paradigm said:
At the moment i'd just be happy for a girl to be genuinely interested in me.

Same, not that I care much... :o

Although its the final task on my list to get over the fun that school was, 6 years of fun.
paradigm said:
I did that once, actually started falling for her, but by the time I had realised this, it was too late in her eyes. Ironic.

My mate had that a couple of weeks ago. Said girl had been ringing him almost constantly for a year and he showed no interest until one day, they ended up getting together and she cheated on him after about a week....women :rolleyes:*

Only messing :p.
Just getting back on form after a tough break-up, was with her for a couple of years. Starting to realise I missed my freedom.

The focus should be on you anyway. If you love yourself, you're confident and you can talk. There aren't many women you can't have. Unless you have a face like a caveman's arse. Then you're going to have to lower the bar a little ;)

Ant :cool:
munge said:
For Christ's sake, couldn't they have told me? :mad:

on one hand they tell us that they are just being friendly and not flirting, yet on the other hand they are actually flirting.

stop messing around and tell us straight!
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