why wont my form work?

19 Jul 2006
i thought that if you use
<form action="Mailto:[email protected]" enctype="text/plain" method="post" name="application">
at the top of your form everything entered into it will get sent as a email to that addy without any other input from the user.
and that the email i recive would say
name: pesrons name
address: adress ect
but using the methord above i click submit and i get a e mail window pop up?

How can i get it so that the form sends itself when submit is clicked


here you go my friend, some good tutorials on how to do php forms. If your not up for that i have a simple php form that asks for name and email and a message and checks if they are empty and if email is an email which you can have, though im pretty sure it isn't the most secure, but then i have never had spam from it since october so who knows
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