Why wont these drives work together?

10 Jan 2005
Hi all,

I have come across something that now has me thoroughly confused so seeking some advice from you lot, i'm sure you have a solution to this.

Having recently installed new hard drives I imaged my old SSD windows drive to a new 1TB SSD and all worked well, this was on Monday. However yesterday I found a cheap M.2 240GB so installed that and no problems. I then mirrored the 1TB SSD to the M.2 drive, tested this by removing the SSD and all worked well.

However this is things start to go wrong, reinstall the SSD and despite all my efforts it will only boot from the SSD, annoying but not a major issue. I connect the SSD to another PC and erase it (redo partition and formatted it) and reconnect to my PC only this time Windows wont load; all it comes up with is unable to locate boot drive and after forcing the M.2 through BIOS it still wont load coming up with a number of error messages.

So far I can confirm both drives work independently of each other and work in a different system, I have tried all other SATA ports, reset BIOS, and tried a number of other drives and the 1TB SSD just wont allow the PC to load up. I know its not the number of ports being used as its currently running with the M.2, the (to be replaced) SSD, a mechanical HDD and a DVD player and have no issues.

In short the 1TB SSD simply will not allow windows to boot while connected.

Any thoughts or suggestions on the cause and how to fix this?

Many thanks :)
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I’m trying with the repair but need a USB the issue is I can’t run the repair with the SSD attached. Just annoying as it seems fine on the other system. There must be some sort of conflict going but can’t find it.
Just tried booting with the m.2 and reconnecting the SSD and windows couldn’t see the SSD at all.

will try connecting up to other PC and redo the partition and format to a different file system later (family around). Hopefully that will fix it, but it just doesn’t seem right.
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