
penski said:
Actually...I'd say air rather than juice. Parked with the ass in the air.

And Hydraulics ain't for Cholos ;)

as a sidenote i once tried to buy a hearse with one of those suspension setups but was outbid.
penski said:
Mexican/Americans...Baggy khakis, shaved heads, tatts, lowrider...You know the look ;)
never heard cholos before but i do know the look you're referring to.
to be honest i don't think the Toyota above is THAT bad.
now THIS is a good example showing what passes for good taste in japan.
lordrobs said:
Ah, fond memories of transformers when I was a kid just came flooding back :p
i had a MUCH better picture of "Yello", which if you can find it online somewhere has a MUCH bigger front spolier and a huge roof spoiler.
sadly i can't fine it so there's tonights google challenge for you lot.
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