
iStat Pro is a must.

I like the Album Art as well.

At Roley, press the + in the bottom left hand corner and click the 'x'?
Only widgets I've ended up keeping are iStat Pro and this image upload one (drag an image on to it and it's automatically uploaded on to ImageShack with the resultant URL put on your clipboard)
Only widgets I've ended up keeping are iStat Pro and this image upload one (drag an image on to it and it's automatically uploaded on to ImageShack with the resultant URL put on your clipboard)

Cheers for the heads up on the Image upload. Great widget.
I got all excited then as i hadn't tried that.

Didn't work though.:confused::mad::confused:

Edit.:D AHA!!

It's working!!

What a cool widget, thanks for the help.
I love you guys.:p
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