Just chucked a couple of spare drives into my server, a pair of 120gb WD SATA drives...
Went into drive management and all that jazz, formatted, partitioned etc etc...
They both come up 67.9gb used, 111gb free, capacity 111gb when i click on properties... any ideas ???
im assuming its the extra space on the platters or something ... but should it do this ???
Will it cause any problems ???
Theyre empty atm obviously, so now is the time to sort em out
Went into drive management and all that jazz, formatted, partitioned etc etc...
They both come up 67.9gb used, 111gb free, capacity 111gb when i click on properties... any ideas ???
im assuming its the extra space on the platters or something ... but should it do this ???
Will it cause any problems ???
Theyre empty atm obviously, so now is the time to sort em out