Wife kicked in the front of my LianLi last Sat night (I need a new case)


Fix some razor wire to the front of the case so she doesn't do it again ;)
stopsign104 said:
I have the armour jr, and aslong as your careful with it - it will be great. I have a few pictures in this post here:


Without cable tidying though, i have done so now and it is pretty tidy although i could tidy more. Very nice case overall and temps are very good. This forum isnt the best place to ask about cases though because basically everyone on ocuk is biased for eclipses and lian li :p

Thanks for the post Stopsign!
Tbh next time she does it you should kick in the tv while she is watching soaps. ;) or just tell her that your gonna get a new wife that likes computers as well lol.
xrayhead said:
Thanks for the post Stopsign!

Your welcome xray ;)

If you want any more pictures im happy to give them to you, but look at the professional reviews on the net aswell. Some good pictures on them.
You can buy the front panel and bezels as spare parts. No need for a whole new case, surely?
You know what, I recon he just wants a new case, and got the missus drunk and then told her in the morning that she'd kicked it (when he'd done it) just so she'd allow him to buy a new case as he's bored of it. :p

Heres a few of mine for ya!

Ill add a few more later as imageshack seems to be a lil slow tonight!


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The Thermaltake Armour looks like kicking-bait..... she can even see all the vital components she should aim for, and that side-panel looks pretty easy to kick in!

Hardly "armoured"
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