WiFi 6 Mesh AP's

10 Jul 2008
It is a concern to an extent yes, but I think if you care about privacy and being anonymous, you kind of have to take an all in approach, which is so much hassle it's not worth it to me.
13 Jul 2005
Norfolk, South Scotland
Not to detail the thread but it's an interesting question. At what point does a right to privacy outweigh other considerations. I agree with you that as a law abiding citizen I'm not really too fussed if the government in theory has backdoors to my network. However that might not always be the case. What if a hugely right wing government is elected and starts doing things I fundamentally disagree with? What if they make X activity or view illegal? At that point it becomes an issue. We in the UK are not as far away from less desirable regimes than we think we are.

I take your point and I would simply point out that it doesn’t need to be a hugely right wing government. Just an extremist government. China after all is a hugely left wing government and that doesn’t exactly appear to be a human rights paradise. Plus most of the extremely invasive legislation in the UK was actually introduced by a Labour government. The Conservatives just didn’t get rid of it and are now being blamed for using it (just as Labour and coalition governments did before).
13 Jul 2005
Norfolk, South Scotland
There is a difference between chips in a device as part of a larger ecosystem compared to a state sponsored/owned manufacturer owning the entire ecosystem and development cycle (software and hardware) of a networking (or other) device.

That’s a HUGE assumption. If nothing else the Chinese are incredibly clever. I wouldn’t put anything beyond their capabilities.
14 May 2012
I just moved and put an Asus GT-AXE16000 as my primary router and then 2 Zenwifi Pro Et12 as the remaining Mesh, they have a 2.5Gbs backbone on the ET12s, although the AXE1600 can handle 10Gbs.

I would definitely recommend the ET12s, I was torn between them and the Deco's but I haven't been disappointed.

I just need to link the second ET12 with a wire rather than using the wireless and then everything should be fine.
Note: I have really thick walls, and the signal through them is terrible, through 2 it's basically non-existent. That is not a fault of the devices, more just a fault of 1850s houses not being designed with WiFi connection in mind.
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