WiFi adapter for PC

18 Nov 2010
Any recommendations? Preferably one that I can just plug into the back of the pc with an antenna or something.

Don't really want something sitting on top of the tower.
As much as you don't want anything "sitting on top of the tower", for best performance you are better off with a Wifi Adapter that does have separate antenna that can be relocated away from the back of the PC, just so that the antenna have more space and are removed from some of the interference caused by a PC.

Avoid the small plug in USB adapters at the very least, as the antennas are tiny - but PCIe adapters are normally better, as don't run the risk of overheating in a cramped USB form factor, and normally have 2 antenna.

If you definitely won't go for PCIe then the Asus USB linked below is at least a decent compromise, it has 2 antenna, is a decent form factor and comes with a USB Cable so you can position it.

My basket at OcUK:

Total: £178.97 (includes delivery: £3.99)​
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