wii sensor bar problem for projector owners

21 Jun 2006
well, i remember looking and worrying about this about 8 months ago when the wii first came out. I have a projector setup. I have heard a lot of people have the whole sensor bar issue problem, but their doesnt seem to have been any advancement at all really, as far as i can find anyway.

My concern is that whether you use a longer cabled sensor bar or a wireless sensor bar is irrelavant as the accuracy of the triangulation system which it uses breaks down at about 8-9 feet. Beyond this the angles it uses to position the pointer gets too small and inaccurate. So i cant sit 15 feet from the screen and use the remote.

i remember thinking this months ago but nobody had a solution and i am searching now and still cant find one. I am guessing that the distance between the two led positions would have to be wider as well as more powerfull, but this is just my theory anyway.

Does anybody own a projector and is able to play the wii in full capacity point mode without any problems, if so i would love to hear how people have done it, as its really starting to bug me now as i havent been able to use it properly yet :mad:

Sorry if this topic has already been discussed but the seach feature isnt woring right now so, meh, i apolagise if it has!!!
We put the bar on a table about half way between the sofa and the projector (so about 7 feet from the screen and the wiimote) and it worked perfectly.
ooohhh, i actually tried this. put it on my bed, but found it was too sensitive, so i would move the wiimote slightly to the right and it moved twice as far as it should on the screen. it was very strange but kinda worked, but not properly. If yours worked properly was there anything extra you did or anything, i am quite puzzled??

cheers for advice :D
Not sure where to buy it from, but ive heard that theres wireless sensor bars available to buy, and if you google around, theres some guides on making your own extension cables.

We use a projector for our uni computer gaming society. Its ok i suppose but nowhere near a tv, too often the controls just dont work, and you have to be standing in a very specific position.
Surely it doesn't matter how far you sit from the screen, just how far the wiimote is from the sensor bar. You can get wireless sensor bars online quite easily. How good they are I couldn't comment on.
joey_s said:
ooohhh, i actually tried this. put it on my bed, but found it was too sensitive, so i would move the wiimote slightly to the right and it moved twice as far as it should on the screen. it was very strange but kinda worked, but not properly. If yours worked properly was there anything extra you did or anything, i am quite puzzled??

cheers for advice :D
I fiddled with the distance and sensitivity a bit until it was near enough to being 1:1.

johnny6 said:
Surely it doesn't matter how far you sit from the screen, just how far the wiimote is from the sensor bar. You can get wireless sensor bars online quite easily. How good they are I couldn't comment on.
They seem to perform a little better than the official ones, I presume they use a more powerful LED.
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