Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

So, it turns out that my trust was set up on an email address i no longer have access to. Doh!

Its been fixed now if anyone is feeling very generous :(
So I think me and my brother will be doing a run on the other Dungeon tonight, both of us are level 25 and we might do the new adventure.

We will announce when we are going to do it within the guild chat, we are looking about 8pm tonight if anyone is interested in the Immortals Guild just give me a shout. We will only need DPS
I've got char's on both Dominion and Exile on Ravenous, mostly playing my Dominion SS at the moment.

I was questing in Whitevale yesterday and saw a group of you Immortals, couldn't resist trying to take one of you down :p

Soon as I attacked one of you on your own though 2/3 others came racing over and smacked me down :(

Love questing in Whitevale :D
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I love questing in Whitevale too, this is the first time I have been on a PvP server. We kept getting ganked (I'm medic, my brother is Engi) and they soon run away with their tails between their legs!

We are on the Ravenous server though.
Oops, don't know why I said Hazak! I'm on Ravenous too, obviously, or I wouldn't have seen you guys lol.

Do you remember beating down a SS called Ctuchik? That was me if you do lol. Think it was Engi that I jumped in on, not sure though.
Well if it was a Mordesh Engi and a Granok Medic that would have been us, we did get a few SS trying to get us and a few stalkers. There was a level 25 baiting people then a level 50 SS Jumped in and killed us both.
Well that wasn't me! I wasn't doing any ganking or being sneaky like that, just saw your guild tag and couldn't resist having a bit of fun!

Love the excitement of levelling on a PvP server, not had that fun in a while.
Fully enjoying this. First MMO I have enjoyed since WoW, says a lot! just wish I could commit more time to it.
Yeah I don't have nearly as much MMO time now as my WoW days, but I have definitely been neglecting some other aspects of life since this released lol.

I've clocked up average of just over 3 hours a day since the headstart, most of that has been at the weekends though. Not spent this much time on a game in ages, but need to reel it back soon and get back in gym etc lol.
Oops, don't know why I said Hazak! I'm on Ravenous too, obviously, or I wouldn't have seen you guys lol.

Do you remember beating down a SS called Ctuchik? That was me if you do lol. Think it was Engi that I jumped in on, not sure though.

I was looking at by powers towards the end of the night and i noticed i got stunned, didnt see who was doing it then next thing 3/4 people joined in haha.

Yeh this is a great game and im only half way through lol
Ive restarted characters about 10 times since release, i just cant settle on a character/class combo.

I'd have been comfortably level 50 if i just got on with it.

That is what I used the beta for, didnt level them past 15 and didnt spoil the rest of the game.

PvP - Warrior, a lot more fun to play than PvE
PvE - Healer Medic when doing dungeons/adventures
I was looking at by powers towards the end of the night and i noticed i got stunned, didnt see who was doing it then next thing 3/4 people joined in haha.

Yeh this is a great game and im only half way through lol

Drumunsta it was you I attacked! I remember the name now :p

It was near those weird snail mobs, yeah thought your friends had wandered off a bit but as soon as I attacked they came storming over haha.
Oops, don't know why I said Hazak! I'm on Ravenous too, obviously, or I wouldn't have seen you guys lol.

Do you remember beating down a SS called Ctuchik? That was me if you do lol. Think it was Engi that I jumped in on, not sure though.

I remeber this I was going passed when you jumped him, I was there with 3 others ..you kinda died real quick :p, may be wrong as was jumped quite a few times..

Added I was the Engineer, yeah and it was at the snail mobs.
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