Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

Ah yes that's me! I've been DPS through at the moment although generally I tank, so now I'm trying to build up my tanking set from Vet Adventure and dungeon runs. Happy to go in as DPS if you're grouping and just get the tank stuff on the side, but when I/we start raiding then tanking is my main focus (Was my role in Vanilla WoW through to WOTLK before I quit - top 3 hardcore guild up to pre TBC Naxx, same in Rift and FFIV etc.)

been having a bit of success so far in Vet Adventures, not dived in to the dungeons so far as I'm still in some greens and want to ditch them before I go in

- GP
Yeah thats oright how are you finding getting a group as a dps? are they ques long? I always try to keep my main as a class with demand such as healer/tank
This just popped up on the WS forum dev tracker and makes it sound like Espers stationary skills will be changed to being mobile... but with some sort of boost if you decide to stand still and use them.

· Bugs: Unfortunately there have been several bugs for the Esper as well as a few global bugs in regards to classes. We have a number of fixes in the pipeline that will come online in the next few weeks.

· Mobility: As part of their core gameplay, the Esper relies heavily on being stationary in order to be fully effective. However, both PvP and many PvE encounters require constant mobility which make that style extremely difficult to pull off. Something that we are currently testing internally is to reward Espers for being stationary for short amounts of time rather than having certain abilities only usable while stationary.

· Overall: We are currently working on adjusting underused Abilities, AMPs, and Ability Tiers for all classes to increase their use and open up more viable builds. Those changes will need to be implemented and tested before being pushed to live, so you can expect those a little later down the road.

I might hold off playing mine until the changes appear. I've just been healing with it as having to go melee in PvP was annoying, I have the warrior for that and it does it much better.
So had my first break from the game last night, and tbh I cant wait to get back on it. I am in two minds....I want to get to the end game....but I also want to take my time and play the game to its full potential. Questing I have had fun with, but that is mainly down to guesting with my brother and having a laugh on skype. Ganking the dominon or helping out a poor sod whos getting picked on!
Had a little play on the test server in the new zone blighthaven, was really good fun, quests were good and the rewards will make it the go to place at level 50 to gear up for veteran adventures and dungeons.

All the quests reward level appropriate dps/tank/healer gear.
I am in two minds....I want to get to the end game....but I also want to take my time and play the game to its full potential.

The end game ain't going anywhere mate! Just play it however you get the most enjoyment from it, that's why we play games ain't it! :)

Gives more time for them to sort out the bugs people are mentioning as well.
Plenty of time for a life, it doesn't take long to get to 50 :) I only have 2 days /played time on my warrior for example and that's including a good few hours in rated BG's at 50, logging in and doing dailies etc each day since hitting 50.
Wow it feels like i been playing for ages on my engi i keep gettin side tracked lol and spending all my moneys :P havnt enjoyed a mmo like this in ages (ex wow Addict, Now in recovery haha) i will be easy 33 tonight i hope lol i lvoe the tanking on ere its totally different so far i havnt been doing to bed i recon but will see once i do the next dungon lol.
Well I have a level 29 Medic but I also have a 18 Warrior who I only play for PvP so if I just concentrated on the one I would have thought I would be 50 by now. Yeeah it does give them time to fix things, when is the new map out? I cant believe they are bringing new content already. Or has it always been there for when people start hitting end game?
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