Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

Video looks amazing but I doubt your common garden wow player could cope with that, hope they stick to their guns and keep it moderately challenging.
Would be good if the game stays quite challenging as I recently got back into wow and my god talk about dumbing it down, nothing is a real challenge.
The big test is if they start losing subs and there is a load of forum whining about difficulty, most mmo's fold to pressure to keep subs even if its those who probably will move straight on when they have cleared the content straight away.
They have stated if you don't have a level 32 you wont be in the beta any more mid march as they want people testing the end game more.
I will admit thats pretty annoying as i didnt really want to see higher level things till the retail version as i don't wanna spoil everything now.
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Trinity? :(

I'm not sure about this - some parts look good, others not so much. Not entirely fond of the art style - although I appreciate something unique like this merging fantasy with sci-fi.

I wonder what the pvp is like, especially if it's a trinity system?
Trinity? :(

I'm not sure about this - some parts look good, others not so much. Not entirely fond of the art style - although I appreciate something unique like this merging fantasy with sci-fi.

I wonder what the pvp is like, especially if it's a trinity system?

Trinity is good and is how mmo games should be. Lots of people like to play healers, a goodly number of people also like tanks. It makes the game feel more of a team effort and can be rewarding for people to be recognised as good at their role.
Trinity is good and is how mmo games should be. Lots of people like to play healers, a goodly number of people also like tanks. It makes the game feel more of a team effort and can be rewarding for people to be recognised as good at their role.
Fair enough, I suppose I'm not really an "mmo" player - I was hoping this would play more like an action/tps game, where every class can be built to do anything.

For all its flaws, at least GW2 combat gives me that.

I'll be keeping an eye on this, but pvp combat had better be impressive (because all pve combat is terrible IMO unless a proper tps/fps).
Trinity is good and is how mmo games should be. Lots of people like to play healers, a goodly number of people also like tanks. It makes the game feel more of a team effort and can be rewarding for people to be recognised as good at their role.

Both systems have their flaws as any dps in a 30min queue will attest too. I'm on the fence as to which system I prefer, I probably prefer the theory of trinity over a GW2 system but trinity is much easier to be abused and destroyed by bad/uninterested players. GW2 offers a lot more freedom and dynamic combat.

One thing I like about wildstar is the partial inclusion of the GW2 dodge system which should hopefully make combat more interesting.

On another topic wanting testers to be higher levels March (source?) to test higher content suggests we won't be getting an April release. More likely May to them timescales.
Both systems have their flaws as any dps in a 30min queue will attest too. I'm on the fence as to which system I prefer, I probably prefer the theory of trinity over a GW2 system but trinity is much easier to be abused and destroyed by bad/uninterested players. GW2 offers a lot more freedom and dynamic combat.

One thing I like about wildstar is the partial inclusion of the GW2 dodge system which should hopefully make combat more interesting.

On another topic wanting testers to be higher levels March (source?) to test higher content suggests we won't be getting an April release. More likely May to them timescales.

Source is the beta forums. They have said accounts without one level 32 char won't be able to stay in the beta
Disappointed as that looks like a later release. Say month of testing higher levels from mid march, smell break, week or two open beta then probably mid may release.
Trinity is good and is how mmo games should be. Lots of people like to play healers, a goodly number of people also like tanks. It makes the game feel more of a team effort and can be rewarding for people to be recognised as good at their role.

I agree with this. I have always liked to play either healer/tank or DPS. I think this time I am going to be Tank. So what happens if you dont have a beta invite yet then?
I agree with Newts in both systems have their merits. Regarding Wildstar specifically I would add that by including some of the more action oriented elements of GW2 combat system they have hit a sweet spot imo.

I would say that the Trinity 'method' encouraged people to talk more, be more social as dps would have to be polite, be friendly to make friends with tanks/healers so they could jsut throw /w to people they had grouped with. Back in Vanilla WoW I had a friends list of between 50-100 people by the time i was early 50's. Like wise on my hunter, it encouraged me to chat more, be sociable with tanks and healers I grouped with in dungeons and group content.

I loved the GW2 method though aswell, being able to dps and get a group at the drop of a hat is very satisfying. With a bit of refinement I feel this is the way forward for any new MMO’s just starting their development cycle.

Regarding a May (ish) release, I think it will be more mid to late Q3, and I hope they take all the time in the world to fully polish their end game. Any new MMO needs to launch with a fully fledged and polished end game to have any chance of succeeding in today’s market, more so if you’re going down the sub route.
I agree before WoW had LFG put in. Having that trinity made grouping much more "sociable" and fun. It made you chat to people and end up with a friends list which you could draw upon.

When I first started playing WoW the first guild I got into was through grouping with a couple of people I met running around the Barrens we got chatting. They asked if I wanted to do a run in Wailing Caverns. I'd never heard of the place at the time, so I accepted they grabbed a couple of people from their guild. I was tanking... they explained to me what I had to do etc. It took forever to complete the run but it was fun. Lots of banter and chit chatting. Once completed they then asked if I wanted to join their guild. I was in that guild for years and enjoyed it so much. I still keep in contact with quite a few of them including the two I met that day in the Barrens (in fact they are quite good friends of mine – going to their wedding this year :p).

I met some great people during the time of having to shout out for groups. Now in WoW you just hit LFG click a button, jump into a dungeon/raid run do it as fast as possible and then leave once the final boss is dead and loot has been dished out without saying a single word to each other. Although it is convenient it also destroyed a lot of the “social” scene to WoW in my opinion.
The best MMo experiences for me are the ones with specific class roles ie tank/support/healer/DPS.

If your in a good populated guild you never really have to wait long to get a posse to run instances or any group content.
I agree before WoW had LFG put in. Having that trinity made grouping much more "sociable" and fun. It made you chat to people and end up with a friends list which you could draw upon.

When I first started playing WoW the first guild I got into was through grouping with a couple of people I met running around the Barrens we got chatting. They asked if I wanted to do a run in Wailing Caverns. I'd never heard of the place at the time, so I accepted they grabbed a couple of people from their guild. I was tanking... they explained to me what I had to do etc. It took forever to complete the run but it was fun. Lots of banter and chit chatting. Once completed they then asked if I wanted to join their guild. I was in that guild for years and enjoyed it so much. I still keep in contact with quite a few of them including the two I met that day in the Barrens (in fact they are quite good friends of mine – going to their wedding this year :p).

I met some great people during the time of having to shout out for groups. Now in WoW you just hit LFG click a button, jump into a dungeon/raid run do it as fast as possible and then leave once the final boss is dead and loot has been dished out without saying a single word to each other. Although it is convenient it also destroyed a lot of the “social” scene to WoW in my opinion.

Agree with this, used to login in TBC and insta get a bucket load of whispers to do the daily with. Had a huge friend list and was nice to get to know people and play with those outside the guild.

Does anyone know of this game has a LFG feature incorporated?
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