Wildstar-Online - MMO

7 Jan 2013
Who here has tried out Wildstar-Online?

I think it's an awesome game I also think it beats a lot of MMO's out there.
Al right it had a bad release because it's around £9-$14 a month which is a lot for a monthly subscription for a game.

It's ready to go Free To Play in fall which is around 2 months or so.

So who's played it and what do you think of it?
Here is the official website link if anyone needs it - http://www.wildstar-online.com/en/
Al right it had a bad release because it's around £9-$14 a month which is a lot for a monthly subscription for a game.

That's not why it had a bad release, it was released to meet a deadline and it showed. But yeah looks like they've sorted a lot of stuff.
The biggest problem for Wildstar was MMO players in general. All you ever hear is people rambling on how MMO's are too easy these days and how they want them like the goold ol' days. Wildstar tried to cater for them and then they all moaned it was too hard.

Add to that performance wasn't great and PvP was a mess, it didn't stand much chance.

Not played it for ages but supposedly it's now in a very good place, content is easier too. It will do well at f2p.
I keep hearing people say the likes of WoW is too easy these days but Method just had the most wipes ever before killing a final raid boss.

I don't think MMO's were harder back then at all, there just weren't as many skilled people playing and there were plenty of bugs and awful mechanics that made it seem harder.
I played it for two month at launch and haven't been back since. Got very repetative and the end game was really locked down for people not in raiding guilds.

I liked some of the ideas but overall it didn't last :(
Huge mistake not having 10 man raids in, would not hurt raiding to include it, but sure would hurt player base not having it in.
I keep hearing people say the likes of WoW is too easy these days but Method just had the most wipes ever before killing a final raid boss.

I don't think MMO's were harder back then at all, there just weren't as many skilled people playing and there were plenty of bugs and awful mechanics that made it seem harder.

lol, spot the newer player :)

They were definitely harder back then, look at wow tbc heroics, now compare that to 'heroics' these days. You just walk through mass pulling everything and grinding hcs for gear. That is not because more people have skill, they just made the mechanics a lot easier and less punishing.

Hell, you even get items like that cloak for druids that basically rewards you for playing bad (overhealing).
No a fair comparison would be comparing old heroics to new mythic, hardest difficulty back then to hardest difficulty now. If the game was harder back then why are guilds wiping hundreds of times more on final bosses nowadays.

That cloak has nothing to do with anything, if you play badly you won't be a mythic raider anyway.

Always the same with people "Oh back in my day was the real struggle" Please, get over yourself.
I keep hearing people say the likes of WoW is too easy these days but Method just had the most wipes ever before killing a final raid boss.

I don't think MMO's were harder back then at all, there just weren't as many skilled people playing and there were plenty of bugs and awful mechanics that made it seem harder.

Please - MMOs were a lot harder back then; to tank in EQ you needed skill not button mashing; timed rotations heals; dps holding back not to take aggro...etc along with corpse runs - not having your equipment; XP hit etc. I remember hitting the same level several times because losing it to trains etc.

in EQ I tanked things with my paladin I was told I couldn't; shouldn't be able and wouldn't ever be able to. I was part of the HoH dragon tank rotation in Time......which was unheard of because she was a major bitch; the hardest Raid mob in Time outside Quarm and could spike kill just about any tank; specially paladin tanks.

Reason why more wipes supposed these days; is no tactics; no studying the mobs and trying to zerg it. Most of the great raiding guilds have moved on -

You'll never see again getting 100ish people together aka the two best guilds on a server to kill an unkillable end game mob.

UO was even more brutal - PKs - very few safe zones - mob of murders wandering around to kill people; using guards to kill people etc..

You needed time; and skill to play those games even somewhat early WoW
That's not the reason at all :/

You're saying guilds like method use no tactics or studying of the fights at all to get world 1st? Especially on a boss blizzard had designed to be beaten with legendary rings first yet none of them had acquired one yet. Mythic WoW still requires time and skill, most people still can't do mythic highmaul or black foundry the raids before the latest hellfire citadel one.

If it's so easy why have only 40 or so people out of the 7 million sub base achieved a mythic kill on Archimonde.
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That's not the reason at all :/

You're saying guilds like method use no tactics or studying of the fights at all to get world 1st? Especially on a boss blizzard had designed to be beaten with legendary rings first yet none of them had acquired one yet. Mythic WoW still requires time and skill, most people still can't do mythic highmaul or black foundry the raids before the latest hellfire citadel one.

If it's so easy why have only 40 or so people out of the 7 million sub base achieved a mythic kill on Archimonde.

I don't doube Method uses some tactics; but compared to old mmos; old raid guilds...no it doesn't surprise me

People these days don't have the patience to do a 24+ hour camp for an item; yes that is correct 24 hours straight to get an item; some camps were 48 hours; you had to do in rotation with guild mates to get this items.

You honestly think today is just as hard; hell no. WoW simplied everything and watered it down; EQ was brutal when it came to raids: Kerafym, The Sleeper - was supposed to be unkillable; the end game of EQ; only 1 per server; release Kerafym - was basically kill everything in the land Lore wise. Once released never came back.

This is what I'm talking about. and I was wrong; it was 180 people to kill one unkillable mob.....;) You'll never see that now

Lets be honest who wants 24/48hr camp for an item? Thats just sad whichever way you look at it. It's just tedious.

Hardly anyone wants a difficult MMO regardless what they say, so absolutely pointless making them as they won't succeed.
How is camping 24/48 hours to get an item hard? That's nothing to do with difficulty it was probably just back then you could afford to do that whereas now with a career, family or whatever most people have moved on and don't mythic raid in WoW so they can't really judge difficulty anyway, or if they still play WoW they aren't in a mythic raiding guild.

People were camping for days on the new WoW expansion though for rares to spawn that dropped certain mounts, and they only dropped one mount per group so yes, people do still do that for hours on end but it's not exactly difficult, as above it's just tedious.

What is a lot harder is guilds like method raiding continuously for 14 hours or whatever where you actually need to be 100% on the ball for all those hours or it's a definite wipe. Unless you've done the latest raid bosses on Mythic then you can't really judge whether the game is harder or not and yes I played EQ back in the day, it was challenging but parts of WoW are equally or more challenging in my own opinion.

Hardly anyone wants a difficult MMO regardless what they say, so absolutely pointless making them as they won't succeed.

and this is why WoW is still the GOAT because it offers end game content that varies from very easy to almost impossible unless you're good enough for a raid spot in a mythic guild.
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its hard if youve got pkers

you know people contesting spawns, fighting over mobs, denying the other guild etc.

some spawns were on long timers so you would get guilds camping a mob then fighting for god knows how many hours to get the mob in a time zone they wanted etc

even in eq2 the dungeon were massive and not instances seperate from every other guild ,wow is like a theme park just going from one ride to the next in your own safe zone.

theres a reason eve-online has survived so long because it fills a niche where people want hard games with a challenge and meaningful pvp, not this item lvl challenge rubbish wow has

Thats just sad whichever way you look at it. It's just tedious.
Better than a game like wow where everyone has the same crap items
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No a fair comparison would be comparing old heroics to new mythic, hardest difficulty back then to hardest difficulty now. If the game was harder back then why are guilds wiping hundreds of times more on final bosses nowadays.

That cloak has nothing to do with anything, if you play badly you won't be a mythic raider anyway.

Always the same with people "Oh back in my day was the real struggle" Please, get over yourself.

Its fine if you want to feel like you arent playing a dumbed down version man, but dont spout rubbish. As for compare heroic to mythic, sure.....then whats the heroic modes now for? Oh, so people like yourself can feel like they are doing a harder mode in a dungeon when really you are just doing a normal mode in disguise.

Whats next after mythic when they make that easier so that people can feel like they take on mythic? Maybe another tier called immortal or legendary, where guilds like method can wipe on bosses for a few weeks whilst other guilds do 'mythic' and feel good about themselves.
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