Wildstar-Online - MMO

Please - MMOs were a lot harder back then; to tank in EQ you needed skill not button mashing; timed rotations heals; dps holding back not to take aggro...etc along with corpse runs - not having your equipment; XP hit etc. I remember hitting the same level several times because losing it to trains etc.

in EQ I tanked things with my paladin I was told I couldn't; shouldn't be able and wouldn't ever be able to. I was part of the HoH dragon tank rotation in Time......which was unheard of because she was a major bitch; the hardest Raid mob in Time outside Quarm and could spike kill just about any tank; specially paladin tanks.

Reason why more wipes supposed these days; is no tactics; no studying the mobs and trying to zerg it. Most of the great raiding guilds have moved on -

You'll never see again getting 100ish people together aka the two best guilds on a server to kill an unkillable end game mob.

UO was even more brutal - PKs - very few safe zones - mob of murders wandering around to kill people; using guards to kill people etc..

You needed time; and skill to play those games even somewhat early WoW

What server Meld? i played Rathe as a Pally up til PoP then moved to Antonius Bayle and played a Beastlord in the #1 worldwide guild for a few years before quitting :)

Back then, there was no UI mods for raiding, hell there wasnt even any real raid support ingame until into Velious, most guilds never even used Teamspeak, everything was done in a raid chat channel mostly.

Raids made up of whoever was online at the time, sometimes 20 people, sometimes 90 people, mental times haha.
Its fine if you want to feel like you arent playing a dumbed down version man, but dont spout rubbish. As for compare heroic to mythic, sure.....then whats the heroic modes now for? Oh, so people like yourself can feel like they are doing a harder mode in a dungeon when really you are just doing a normal mode in disguise.

Whats next after mythic when they make that easier so that people can feel like they take on mythic? Maybe another tier called immortal or legendary, where guilds like method can wipe on bosses for a few weeks whilst other guilds do 'mythic' and feel good about themselves.

Post your mythic kills and I'm happy to be proven wrong :)
My old WoW guild (Flare-EU was top 50 in the world from TBC-End of Cata PvE 25 man) tried Wildstar, or at least some of us did. A lot of us enjoyed it, but the servers started emptying out more and more. Guilds had to merge with each other multiple times to just keep enough people active.

PvP was bad, PvE was "too hard" (for the casual masses), dungeons weren't hard hard but required more than 1-2 runs to complete to a silver level, lots failed and quit at this point.

Then raiding, well raiding started out fun (20 man) but even that was a challenge to keep 20 people around and interested at this point, let alone 40 man. Me and my friends ended up quitting after the 3rd merge, and multiple empty raids and a dead server.

The game had promise but the whole 20/40 man raids was stupid, real stupid and I have zero idea why they stuck to that idea. should have been 10-20. PvP was awful from the get go, and there was a lack of stuff to do in the game out side of PvE. I always think what a shame the game failed so quickly, because I did enjoy it. I'll try it again when it goes F2p.
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UO was awesome - a great time to be an ******* :P

EQ2 - they just released timelock servers and most of the people i played with are coming back for a month for old time sake....I logged in but i think im way over eq2, so dated so slow.

Sadly im Playing Wildstar and i love it. I love how fast it is. PvP is meh yes, there are raids there is an ok population and its filling up again. There is probably about 3>6 months content at the end game if you are a min maxer type. Its a fairly OK mmo but after 1 year it certainly needs some more pve content. I guess the F2P cash injection will either make or break it.

Its incredibly simplistic but one of the most mobile MMOS ive ever played. Dont even bother if you cant jump or dodge things on an epic scale, im serious, if you have no reaction time or even bad reactions you CANT enjoy wildstar :P
What server Meld? i played Rathe as a Pally up til PoP then moved to Antonius Bayle and played a Beastlord in the #1 worldwide guild for a few years before quitting :)

Back then, there was no UI mods for raiding, hell there wasnt even any real raid support ingame until into Velious, most guilds never even used Teamspeak, everything was done in a raid chat channel mostly.

Raids made up of whoever was online at the time, sometimes 20 people, sometimes 90 people, mental times haha.

I was on Tunare - the best paladin on the server in top guild Taliseman used to help run open raids etc; saw me tank several times basically said if I ever got off my butt and got into a top raiding guild I would be the top paladin beating him easily. This is a guy I'd learned stuff from early on in the game.

I broke top 10 paladins in gear; think I got as high as 5; but may raids were long at times lol. I always got invited to other guild raids as guest tank as I just love to tank; spent hours studying lore; tactics to be the best tank period lol.....
Who cares- this turned into an E-peen contest in a Hurry

If you enjoy the game then just enjoy the game no matter what level you play at

It wont make you a Bigger hit with the girls

Its only Pixels
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