yeh i'm buying from scratch. i do envisage in 2025 when zen 4 is being superceded that'll i'll help give my pc an extra few years of life (i'm a gamer) by upgrading to a better zen 4 cpu and, especially, gpu. and maybe psu but i'm purposefully going big on psu now so maybe it's ok later.Honestly though, think to yourself have you ever just done a cpu upgrade? By the the time a Zen 3 setup becomes obsolete even Zen 4 might be in the same boat. For instance this very pc i'm using as my 'table' pc has a 3900X and 2080 ti, nice Asus x570 board and all but i doubt i'll even drop a 5xxx Ryzen in it as it more than does the job. Agree if you're buying from scratch though in a way.