There was a great exhibition at Buckingham Palace a few years back all about the coronation of ERII. There were letters in the run up between statesmen and various companies involved with the planning and provisions for the day debating whether to do a low key service due to rationing etc. The conclusion was hell no. This is the window to make a statement and show the crown and state are robust and things continue as they always have. The thought of watering it down was quickly nobbled.When I pointed out the lack of pomp the resident special-person suggested the lack of pomp was due to a chip on my shoulder... Lol. But then what do you expect from GD ****s?
To paraphrase the letters "this is how we do things, and things might be hard but nothing has changed" or you can go "let's water it down and in so doing appear weak".
All the Lords and statesmen had to attend, in ceremonial dress, with strict heirarchy in dress codes required. All the pomp was duly retained. (And the ermin sellers, tailors and miliners rejoiced...)
There was footage of the assembled ranks all in their robes and gowns and hats and sashes and the queen processing past them. It was quite a powerful image.