Will you be watching the eclipse of the Sun?

Sky News has decent pics...

9761 said:
I cant see it now, clear sky and everthing,

I dont see no eclipse :mad:

In the UK it will be possible to observe the Sun between 10 and 20% eclipsed between 1045 BST and 1225 BST.
I've just got back into the country from just outside Antalya on the south coast of Turkey. Where we flew out to view the total esclipse of the Sun :cool:
Stopped at a 5 star all inclusive resort with it's own private beach.
The sky was crystal clear & we got a fantastic view of totality!

Partiality started at 12.38 local time & totality occurred at 13.55 local time.
At around 5 mins before totality, when there was just a little sliver of the sun left, the decrease in light was very eerie. We were on the beach looking across the Med. The sand seemed to change to an almost grey colour on the lead up to totality. Looking at my shadow on the beach the spikes of my hair were refracting the light from the small crescent that was left, making loads of little crescent shapes. Weird!

When totality kicked in it didn't go totally dark but the horizon all around turned deep red, like a sunset after the sun has dropped below the horizon. You could see Venus really clearly in the sky.

The corona streaming from the Sun was spectacular. The 3 1/2 mins of totality seemed like seconds. Just before the eclipse finished I could just make out the sun appearing through the mountains on the outer limb of the moon, known as "Baily's Beads" closely followed by the infamous "Diamond Ring" as the Sun begins to re-appear (for me the most spectacular part). The finish of partiality occurred at 15.12 local time.

It has got to be one of the most amazing sights I've seen! I would recommend that you need to see this event at least once in your lifetime.

I only had a crappy Canon Powershot digital camera with me & no tripod or anything. So I only managed to get one semi-reasonable photo of totality. Once I get back home & get my photos downloaded, if it turns out OK I'll post it on this thread, or maybe start a new one up.
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