Win 7 network/internet issue

9 May 2005
My internet is fine but after installing Win 7 on my PC I cannot connect to the internet.

I struggled last night to try to find why and came up with no answers. Booted up this morning and it connected to the network. Downloaded all updates and rebooted. No internet again.

Uninstalled the network card adapter and rebooted. Home network came up fine. Internet use as normal.

Rebooted, no internet again. I get this picture that says multiple networks and no internet connection???

Asus P5E board.

Any Idea?

Rolled back, tried all four drivers and all do the same on reboot. No internet connection. If I auto update the network driver after that reboot the internet connection comes back until I restart the PC.
I had a similar issue after installing W7...

My internet was working fine, although the connection would just stop or not connect at all.

Going into the Network and Sharing Centre I noticed that by default the power management settings were set to 'allow computer to turn off the network device to save power'...I unchecked this and it now seems to connect / work every time I boot up.

Maybe you could take a look or try the same to see if it helps?

Network and Sharing - Change Adapter Settings - Properties - Configure - Power Management - uncheck allow computer to turn off this device to save power.

Might be worth a shot.
I had issues with the default NIC driver, random connections etc. then updated to a W7 friendly driver from the vendor and its working perfectly.

guess its case of finding a driver that works, however long that will take!
Network and Sharing - Change Adapter Settings - Properties - Configure - Power Management - uncheck allow computer to turn off this device to save power.

Might be worth a shot.

Two reboots and that seems to have done the trick, I owe you a drink :D

I'm also doing to dig out the asus driver as well but so far so good.

Cheers :)
No worries danny, I'm glad it worked for you mate!

I do occasionally still get the little yellow warning pop up on the network icon when I first boot up (indicating no connection), but only for a few seconds or so and then it connects.

Most of the time though I'm connected straight away.

...oh, and I'll have a Guinness if you're offering ;)
After initially working it now doesn't work again. Unless I reinstall the latest Marvell driver every boot I get no internet at all.

As soon as I do that no internet.

On the verge of giving up for a few months, then come back and see if they have a better driver or fixed the issue.
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