My internet is fine but after installing Win 7 on my PC I cannot connect to the internet.
I struggled last night to try to find why and came up with no answers. Booted up this morning and it connected to the network. Downloaded all updates and rebooted. No internet again.
Uninstalled the network card adapter and rebooted. Home network came up fine. Internet use as normal.
Rebooted, no internet again. I get this picture that says multiple networks and no internet connection???
Asus P5E board.
Any Idea?

I struggled last night to try to find why and came up with no answers. Booted up this morning and it connected to the network. Downloaded all updates and rebooted. No internet again.
Uninstalled the network card adapter and rebooted. Home network came up fine. Internet use as normal.
Rebooted, no internet again. I get this picture that says multiple networks and no internet connection???
Asus P5E board.
Any Idea?