********Win a CoolIT Cooling System********

Its Open Source.. almost freeware ;)

Downloaded it, and the Gimp Animation Pack (GAP) yesterday so i can play about with it today at work.
Barry's Story (in brief)




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My first post too /cheer Enjoy :D


in hindsight, does Canada get Cillit Bang? If not, that advert might not make much sense xD
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May I just add that some of these are brilliant. I am a colleague of Barry's and just had to come and add that I completely endorse the abuse you can photoshop inflict. Some other key facts you might want to know about Barry (incase you didnt already know)

1. He is Canadian and very proud of it
2. He has ginger hair and is also very proud of it. In fact I think he has tried to start a FB group promoting the ginger race
3. He plays a high standard of rugby. This doesnt mean he is any good.
4. Supports Calgary flames Ice Hockey team
5. Lives and breathes CoolIT technology and the company. Is also part of the brains behind future cooling products.
6. Plays drums/bongo or something like that

I am open to bribes and offers for more info on Barry. In fact I am happy to make other stuff up.

Anyway - keep 'em coming. The office find it hillarious.
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