**WIN A MSI Z77A-GD65 Motherboard PLUS 300x Runner up prizes of £25 cash back**

£25 as well! Now the big question is should I use it and upgrade? On the one hand my 1055T is getting a little slow now, could do with more grunt from my CPU cores. On the other hand, my sound card is PCI, so I would have to spend a ton extra on a new sound card D:
I also won a £25 cash back code. The board certainly looks sexy but I had my heart set on a Gigabyte Z77 G1-Sniper this time around so not sure if I'm going to use this code but its very tempting.
or perhaps he didnt have an account on any of the forums, but chose OcUK

i cant comment on MSIs customer service because i dont have any of their stuff (nothing against them, but MSI's stuff just wasnt what i was looking for at the time)

I would say that at least the dev's are able to supply beta bios's to the community on the forum (and likewise the community help them test those for a proper release)... and that's one good thing.
got 25 quid voucher code also but man that Asus board with the build in Asus cache looks interesting wondering if it really will boost hdd/SSD performance ?

The gigabytes have that msata slot and I think Asrock has a similar slot but msi and many others do not which is odd.... for £125 going the MSI route is pricey especially when the gigabytes and asus look just as good if not better with that cache boosting tech...

Still no idea if it does boost perfomance guess will have to wait for the reviews.
I've been looking at the MSI Z77A-GD65 and on a PCI expansion basis if you were to have two GPU's in Crossfire or SLI as appropriate, it would seem the GD55 offers one more available expansion slot?

Does the GD65 have a better power phase design than the GD55?
Hi Highlander, don't need the mSata if it supports Intel Smart Response Technology. Do the mSata options operate at 3Gb/s or 6Gb/s and how does the mSata prices compare to a SataIII SSD? I think there's less choice in mSata at 6Gb/s.

At the value end the Gigabyte Z77MX-D3H and Z77X-D3H look favourable.
Although using SRT is less to manage if you have a lot of apps. Am thinking of partitioning my SSD to have SRT on one partition up to 64GB and the rest for specific app installs.
congrats to gcaster and all the runner up winners ..
I had read on one of the threads that the Z77 will still support the SB. Will there be any performance advantage of Z77+SB over Z68+SB ?
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:( no voucher - maybe the people who got a voucher and don't want them could give them away in a giveaway thread?? just an idea :P seems a shame for other people to have entered competition and then the winners have no interest (why enter the compo??)
I also won a £25 off code so PM me if anyone wants it.

First Come First Served.

<code gone>
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