I was hoping it'd be a late wedding present for me, contest closing a day before and announcement 2 days after seemed likely ;) though I think if we have not got emails telling us we won then we're out of luck, I'm guessing the 48 hours thing started when the contest closed.
The announcement will be today. But obviously, it will just be something along the lines of "we have emailed the winners". :)
I always enter and never win. It's feels like these competitions are rigged. GMTV and BBC got caught many times rigging. Good luck to the winner either way.
I always enter and never win. It's feels like these competitions are rigged. GMTV and BBC got caught many times rigging. Good luck to the winner either way.

Likewise, must have entered hundreds yet haven't won as much as a t-shirt :D
I always enter and never win. It's feels like these competitions are rigged. GMTV and BBC got caught many times rigging. Good luck to the winner either way.

Our competitions are never rigged and 100% fair, so no need to worry about this :) You have just as much chance as the next person.
Our competitions are never rigged and 100% fair, so no need to worry about this :) You have just as much chance as the next person.

I never said OCUK was rigging. I meant a lot of these online competitions are rigged I bet. Their so many on Google and FB it ain't funny.
I never said OCUK was rigging. I meant a lot of these online competitions are rigged I bet. Their so many on Google and FB it ain't funny.

i entered a competition on FB and Won, ive entered thousands like everyone else. infact i mainly use my FB for that exact reason
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