*** WIN! *** Corsair C70 case up for grabs - How many sweets to fill it?

gonna chuck a guess out at 854 packets just a random number my head generated I am far too lazy to work out the mathmetics to this and if it was me filling it id get bored and ram them in any old way.
How are you going to fill it in? Open the side and simply chuck them in? will you be compressing them to fit more or the moment you reach the capacity that's it?
Will you shake it to compress them????

I hate guessing so would like to work it out properly :P
How are you going to fill it in? Open the side and simply chuck them in? will you be compressing them to fit more or the moment you reach the capacity that's it?
Will you shake it to compress them????

I hate guessing so would like to work it out properly :P

  • The sweets will be in their packets.
  • Internal enclosures will not be removed but will be filled where possible.
  • The sweets will be placed in and will not be forced in. The object is NOT to obtain a maximum figure of packets of sweets and try to get as many in as possible, just to fill the available space.

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