In keeping with the rewards...

Ultima World
Ultima Warcraft
Ultima Mug :p

or since there are many things already with this name, why not a computer (and the adversary of the Goliath)

Ultima Dave

and a few more for luck...

Ultima Amthree
Ultima Monolith
Ultima Venom
Ultima Extravaganza
Ultima Juggernaut
Ultima Target
Ultima Strider
Ultima Dynamo
Ultima Clarkson - The fastest... IN THE WORLD!
Ultima Mohawk, Suppose that could go along with the new Nighthawk..kind of
Ultima Origin
Ultima Sigma
Ultima Dynasty
Ultima Truffle

..that'll do
I would say Ultima Phenomenon, but that's been said twice already (what Phenom means in AMD speak :))

My offerings, based on a bit of quick research are:

Ultima Agena - (Codename of the 4 core Phenom, and also a computer virus)
Ultima Toliman - (Codename of the 3 core Phenom)
Ultima Kuma - (Codename of the X2)
Ultima Lima - (Codename of the Athlon single core)
Ultima Sparta - (Codename of the Sempron)

And some random:

Ultima Electron
Ultima Undertaker
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