Ultima Dementor

Ultima Dragon (someone's probably already said this, but with 2 threads, and no list of all the names already chosen, its kinda hard to keep track!)


Carter said:
Ultima BSOD

LoL, there's no way in hell I'd buy a system with a name like that!!! :D

I REALLY want an OcUK mug, you guys should put these up on the shop site for sale..
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Ultima Deimos

Ultima Phobos

Ultima Pain Rage

Ultima Severence

Ultima Nirvana

Ultima Citadel

Ultima Cruisader

Ultima Raider

Ultima Slayer

Ultima Euphoria
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Ultima Raven
Ultima Obsidian
Ultima Banisher
Ultima Viking
Ultima Demolisher
Ultima RipJaw
Ultima Nano
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How many of this thread is there?

Can see this a bit confusing with accidental double posts. Dont think I'll edit mine anymore incase anyone thinks I've copied!
Here are all mine from the other thread:

DavyBoy said:
posted @ 18:02

Ultima Annihilator

Ultima Exterminator

Ultima Assassinator

Ultima Eradicator

Ultima Executioner

Ultima Predator

posted @ 18:19

Ultima Decapatator

posted @ 18:23

Ultima Vaporizer

posted @ 19:03

Ultima Inferno
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