Ultima Excession
Synonyms: excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, immoderate, inordinate, extreme, unreasonable
These adjectives mean exceeding a normal, usual, reasonable, or proper limit. Excessive describes a quantity, amount, or degree that is more than what is justifiable, tolerable, or desirable: excessive speed.
Exorbitant usually refers to a quantity or degree that far exceeds what is customary or fair: exorbitant interest rates.
Extravagant sometimes specifies lavish or unwise expenditure (extravagant gifts); often it implies unbridled divergence from reason or sound judgment (extravagant claims). Immoderate denotes lack of due moderation: immoderate enthusiasm.
Inordinate implies an overstepping of bounds imposed by authority or dictated by good sense: inordinate demands.
Extreme suggests the utmost degree of excessiveness: extreme joy