Ultima Mach1
Ultima Voyage
Ultima Infinity
Ultima Transonic
Ultima Impact
Ultima Velocity
Ultima Harmony
Ultima Nuklear
Ultima Dynamic
Ultima Homogeneous second order linear constant coefficient partial differential winboat
ultimo or apice = "top" in italian
eccellente = "superb" in italian
l'enterprise = "the business" in french
magnifique = "superb" in french
soberbio = "superb" in spanish
magnifico = "superb" in spanish
Ultima Excavator
Ultima Amitlua
Ultima Excedrin
Ultima Exceedance
Ultima Augury
Ultima Futurology
Ultima Potent
Ultima Futurition
Ultima Debilitator
Ultima Intensifier
Ultima Powerfist
Ultima Herculean
Ultima Powerfest
Ultima Futurism
If it is watercooled: Ultima Antaeus
Antaeus is a greek giant born of Poseidon (the god of water) and Gaia. (the goddess of mother earth who gave us silicon and all the rest of the rare earth elements)
If it is aircooled: Ultima Zephyrus (God of the West Wind)
I like your way of thinking, wait for someone else to do all the virtual leg work and then just modify it a little, a proper prize winning attitude right there.
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