win xp keeps making noises

18 Oct 2002
This might sound strange, but every so often my PC keeps making a sound.

Its a sound from within windows that sounds like chuuu chuuuu, its happened a few times in the past few mins.

Its getting starting to annoy me,

I've checked in Control Panel > Sounds and non o the assigned sounds make this noise.

Anyone had any similar problems or know what it is causing the noise.

there it goes again

chuuuh, chuuuuh
Sometimes the motherboard will whine when transferring files via LAN or memory? Is it coming from the speakers?
When I was running XP mine was making strange noises that corresponded with what I was doing. I muted the PC speaker from the volume control within Windows and it went away.
Possibly a USB device detection/removal sound ?

Happened to my brothers machine once, he had a printer connected via USB and it was forever getting diconnected/reconnected. I just got him to plug it in a different USB slot and it stopped the problem.
Yeah as said above. sometimes could just be something dody connected via usb or the usb controller itself, things to try would:

a) record the sound on your phone or something so we can hear it

b) open device manager and the second you here the sound maximise it and see if you catch it "refreshing"

other than that im puzzled!

good luck


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