Win7 / XP dual boot

25 Oct 2009
Hi Guys,

I currently have my PC setup with Win7 installed on a 60Gb SSD and then a 1TB HDD for data.

Just found out that one of my favourite LAN games - Rise & Fall doesn't run on Win7.

I still have my XP pro license and was wondering can i simply create a partition on the HDD and install XP on it?
I have a feeling in the back of my mind that it will cause problem with the Windows7 install even if it is on a different harddrive, due to it loking for previous installs?

Any help on the matter would be awesome.

Yes, it's possibly to duel boot. You need to install Windows XP first, but create a partition say 50/50 for the disk. Then on after XP is installed, install Windows 7 on the second parition. This will create a new boot menu aka duel boot. Good luck.
In my experience it's always been easier to set up the dual boot with XP installed first, then installing win7 from within XP rather than at boot.

robinbredin has linked the best tutorial I know for doing it the other way around.

Might even be worth just running XP as a virtual machine.
If you werent bothered about the advantage of using the ssd as boot drive you could just install xp on the 2nd hard drive then change boot order in bios when xp required.
Would save reinstalling windows 7 again :)
It doesn't, therefore my graphics card would be useless and i really wanted to test it.
Meh, it'll have to wait until i do another fresh install in a few months then.

Cheers guys.

No you don't. Install XP as you normally would have done, disconnecting the SSD, then reattach the SSD and use EasyBCD to add the XP option to your boot menu.

Or use:

Simple as. I've just done this today, on a RAID0 setup (for XP) and that was more complicated. XP on a single HD? Easy! :)
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