Windows 10 or Windows 7 for PC Gaming ?

18 Jan 2003
Expat in the USA
I'm still on Windows 7 64-bit, I like it, personally i may even prefer the look and feel of the Gui.

I know DX12 will be W10 only, but that's a little way away yet.

Are there any other advantages for your average gaming pc to be on Win10 ? or am i better sticking to W7 for the time being?
I'm on the verge of upgrading. I've just not formatted for a couple of years and currently have a lot of little programs that will be a pain to redownload and setup.

But, the main reason is my 360 controllers are now on the edge of their life span (again). They barely last to be honest. A few hundred hours out of them before the sticks start going all gammy.

I want the Xbone controller, problem is, the wireless receiver will only work on Windows 10.
Windows 10 runs a little bit better then 7, everything is a bit faster and snappier which is nice.

You may as well just upgrade, you're going to have to sooner or later so might as well just do it and get used to the new look/UI.
I would upgrade but unfortunately some of the drivers I need are not working (audio input box) with W10 ~ But looking forward to the day I can :)
I would upgrade but unfortunately some of the drivers I need are not working (audio input box) with W10 ~ But looking forward to the day I can :)

Good shout, I need to run through drivers to check if there are Windows 10 versions.

I'll plan the format this weekend and report back. I hate change haha.
10 is better. But only when you remove all the junk from it (like onedrive, the store, all the other "modern apps" etc.) using powershell commands :D
10 is better. But only when you remove all the junk from it (like onedrive, the store, all the other "modern apps" etc.) using powershell commands :D

For drivers, most windows 8/8.1 drivers seem to work ok.

You have to resort to PS???? Surely not, surely I can remove the bloatware from programs and features?
I have had trouble with GTA on an upgraded win 10

Audio setting issues and D3D crashes.

I have did a clean install on Sunday and touch wood, everything is fine now.

However for GTA V, R* told me to run it in win 8.1 comparability mode....

However the whole UI for win ten makes the upgrade worth it.
Stick to Win 7 for now unless you are a Gears Of War fan or care for the F2P Fable game. Both DX12 exclusive otherwise wait it out apart from MS no-one else is going to be making a DX12 only game for a few years.

I have a dual boot OS to ensure I can play whatever I want that is another option buy a Win 7 licence & Win 10 Pro licence then dual boot to cover all options.
I've had a good experience with 10 so far, no difficulties with any of the games I play. There are a growing number of games adding DX12 patches to improve performance, which is nice. Although I wouldn't expect it to go mainstream for a while yet.
If you are a single GPU gamer I would certainly say you should jump on windows 10. All you need to do is install classic shell and it looks and functions like windows 7/8 with the added benefit of dx12 :D

But no rush, can wait a few more months yet to upgrade.
10 is faster and easier to use, still a few problems here and there, the only main problem i still get is black screens, for some reason windows 10 just gives you a black screen either when its installing windows updates or just doing something in the background, its very occasional though and is worth the annoyance for the extra speed the rest of the time.
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