Windows 11 Taskbar Never Combine

24 Jun 2021
Being able to never combine and show labels on the taskbar is a feature many people have depended on for productivity in every version of Windows and now it's gone in Windows 11.

If anyone has info about it returning in Windows 11, or workarounds for getting this feature back, please post them here.

There are some items of feedback in Feedback Hub about this, please upvote them.
Just stick with 10 for a while longer - it's almost inevitable that there will be a raft of minor updates in the near future.

There is only one real compelling reason to move to 11 at the moment imo, and that is specifically if the improvements to Docking/Undocking screens benefit you on a laptop.
In terms of it officially making a return you're probably looking at April or May next year at the earliest before the first feature-type release is out for 11. That's assuming they're even intending on bringing it back.
With these ultrawide screens, theres no reason to use "combine" or "dont show labels", but "dont show labels" makes things look tidier.

Using windows 10 here
Tidier but adds an extra faff level as you have to hover over the icon to see what it is whereas with labels you instantly see and still have loads of space for more because UltrawideLife :cool:

Still tidy though, as per Win11 thread:

I usually dont have the labels showing as I never have loads open at once, plus its all music vids now that Ive got the desktop space.

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Same here, with such a large screen, I like the classic look, with all not combined. The labels also helps with multitasking as well instead of trying to guess what each icon is.
is that trustworthy? website looks kinda sketch

Been using it for years on Windows 8, 10 and now 11, really is a good install and forget program. I love it as it I get to use the classic Windows 7 start menu with a left click and the newer start menus with the wheel click. I love using both menus equally as they both have their pros and cons. Built into the Windows 11 version of the program though is the ability to have the classic Windows 10 taskbar with the individual open programs/folders and it brings back the normal right click menus and Windows 7/10 explorer UI if you want that. Fantastic start menu that does get regular updates.
One reason why I haven't jumped to 11 yet, the taskbar feels unfinished and is lacking features (eg moving to the side of the screen, no easy option to compact mode, etc)

Much thanks for this :)

I just installed it and it seems to given my normal task bar settings back :):):) So my Life is back to normal again :cry::cry::cry:
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windows 11 has loads of options whats missing?

It is basically the same as 10 with a few small tweaks/additions to give you a little more information on what it is doing. It is totally inadequate if you actually use your PC for a wide range of tasks and don't just live a 9-5 + weekend existence with the system left on idle overnight.
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