Windows 11

It hasn't for ages, and it was only really bad for AMD users, which got patched within a couple of months.
Thing with 11 is they've moved some stuff around or removed things which have been a staple of Windows for a long time and ultimately a good way to do things, sure you can get them back with tweaking but no guarantees as to how that will work out in the long run.

Shame because in concept Windows 11 should have been a solid modern OS... they seriously need to send most of the dev team packing and get some actual talent and people with a broader perspective into leadership roles.
Im on Windows 11 on a 5900X, works pretty good tbh.

Me too. Actually have W10 on another SSD so can compare the two, the comparison isn't a level playing field though due to my W10 build being 2 and half years old, but W11 runs far better. However, that's a 2 month old build.

I haven't tried startallback but I do use Start11 which costs about 7 quid. I like my start menu mostly transparent, I like how it looks with live wallpapers using Wallpaper Engine. Plus, I like that it allows me to get the W10 start menu back and the taskbar right click options. I rarely boot W10 nowadays.

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