Windows 7 32-bit VS 64-bit?

I would add that as long as ALL your hardware is under 18 months old then 64bit will run fine. If you have an older Creative Soundcard for example, older USB capture cards or even older printer/scanners you may have driver/wierd issues.
everythings new, board and CPU supports 7 and its a 64 bit processor.

I know I can run it I was just wondering what the advantages are, if any

All the information you want is in other threads, had you searched like suggested. Just this once though:

Can address far more memory [far more than you could install on any consumer/enthusiast motherboard currently].
Improved security [all 64-bit drivers have to be signed. 32-bit drivers do not]
Potentially higher quality drivers, since they need to pass MS standards to get signed.
Better performance in certain tasks.

The real question is "why should I run 32-bit?"
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