Windows 7 April 2013 updates killed pc!

22 Oct 2002
Essex, innit?
Argh, please help, situation critical!

I am working from home and have a load to do.

Windows Update downloaded a bunch of updates and I installed them whilst working.

It then prompted for a restart which I did and now I can't load Windows at all.

I've tried Repairing, Safe Mode and Last Known Good Configuration all to no avail.

I can't even tell you what the specific updates were, except there was one which was a SATA controller I think (an optional). I'm guessing this is the culprit.

Anyway to either:
1. Disable that update (or all updates) without being able to get into Windows?
2. Just get into Windows to remove them?

At the moment I can't do anything other than get into Recovery screen or Advanced Boot Options.

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What errors were you having?

We have discovered that several of our machines in the business have showed similar signs.

We have had one die at a remote site, and the others in the office are pending those updates to install now.

Main symptoms were forcing a chkdsk at boot. The other we had bluescreen constantly.
Got this happening on multiple systems.

VMWare test VM, thinkpads, and fuji desktops.

All running Windows 7 x64 pro.

Going to run a clean build and see if I can trace it any further.
Im using Kaspersky Business Space v8.1 however also have a test machine running MS Sec Essentials (latest 4.1 i think) and it has the same issue.

If you remove the patch, reboot twice and then allow the final chkdsk to run then it seems to be ok.

For the minute ive blocked the updated through our WSUS server.
PS ive download the update through MS update site and off of WSUS to avoid the possibility of a bad patch being pulled in to the WSUS db.
Did a clean install of 7 and ONLY installed that one update and it was fine. Going to revert the snapshot and finish all the other updates and then try to patch again.

Right, so the issues seems to relate mostly to Kaspersky AV. However there do seem to be other computers that arent impacted by the update.

KAV Business forums have this on there.

MS have pulled the patch from being automatically updated on machines. Kaspersky has released a public beta patch for testing. Rumour has it that MS will be bringing out a v2 patch shortly as well.
Id love to but we deal with plenty of customers in the far east, we tend to find that patch Tuesday is great for exploit Wednesday!

One thing I tend to do these days is before installing any updates , take an incremental acronis image of my system , just incase it goes boobies skyward :)
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