Windows 7 OEM

8 Mar 2007
Have Microsoft released any information on the restrictions of the OEM license for Windows 7 regarding replacing components? I think the Vista method was that you had to call them up to reactivate after changing any major components, and a mobo change meant you needed a new licence all together?
Is my understanding of Vista OEM correct? Its tied to your mobo, but changing any other major component will mean having to call up someone at MS and tell them you replaced a failed <enter component here> to get it reactivated?
Pretty much.

Tho it's often a lottery as to which other components will trigger the need for a reactivation.
Vista/Windows 7 OEM.

License remains legal throughout any hardware changes with the exception of the motherboard.
Some hardware changes may well trigger reactivation.
Reactivation may work online, worst case is you'll need to call MS up for reactivation.

Motherboard can be replaced under warranty only.
If your motherboard fails and it is replaced under warranty (either with the same model or different) then reactivation will probably be required.
Your license remains legal and active.

Replace the motherboard for any other reason and your OEM license is no longer valid and you'll need to buy a new one.

With the difference in price being pretty minimal do yourself a favour.
Buy Home premium Retail and never worry about transfering the OS or the license becomming invalid.
With Hom Prem at 50 quid I'm surprised they are even bothering releasing an OEM for private manufacture.

If it's the case it's a correct step forward.

Crazy to sell OEMs for 60 quid when big manufacturers were paying peanuts for their oems.
Student offer of Professional OEM for £30 vastly outweighs the possible inconvenience of having to make a phone call to reactivate.

My IP35 is prob going to last me a year or 2 yet aswell, so makes sence.
Student offer of Professional OEM for £30 vastly outweighs the possible inconvenience of having to make a phone call to reactivate.

My IP35 is prob going to last me a year or 2 yet aswell, so makes sence.

Is it a student or an OEM license?
If it's an OEM license then once again it's tied to the origianl motherboard it is installed on.

I don't understand why everyone doesn't just buy the £70 retail license.
The OS will probably be used for a good 3 years.
So £23 a year or 45p a week - an absolute bargain.
And you can move it from machine to machine as much as you like.
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