Windows 7 Ultimate .Net Framwork 3.5

15 Mar 2004
Hey guys,

I am having real trouble trying to get Curse client to work.

It says my .net framework 3.5 is corrupt, i have disabled it in "turn programs on and off" then enabled it in the hope it re-installs to no avail.

Tried to manually download it, it won't install.

Then i managed to somehow delete all .net frameworks from my pc (idiot) so i have none and they are all corrupt so i can't re-install them.

I have a windows CD here, tried repairing and still the same.

Any ideas ? can i copy the stuff from the CD to pc using cmd prompt ?

I really don't want to do a fresh install as i'm getting a new pc soon and its a waste of time !

Try running
sfc /scannow from an elevated cmd prompt

net is a sod as its well ingrained in the OS but if you have been manually deleting files then its likely a reinstall will be the only option and probably quickest!
is there anything on the HDD apart from windows you cant re install\don't have a backup of?

only takes 20 mins to re install windows so maybe a quicker option to your solution, I would have just formatted by now but that's me lol
Yeah a lot of programs and settings which i don't wanna change or lose cos it took me forever to sort out lol

might install windows on another HDD, and copy paste all the files over tbh

That guide is about DISM which windows 7 lacks. You can use SFC /Scannow in both windows 7 & 10 but DISM replaces your install files which SFC /scannow relies on.

Just re-read the title. I would just get a cheap windows 10 key and tools to combat its spying. I also have some corrupt windows 7 files and I think the last option is to get your windows 7 install media and install windows 7 ontop of its self. You select upgrade, and I remember a quote of "think of it as upgrading from a broken win 7 to a fixed version".

My problem is I can't get the final windows 7 update, the one that broke windows themes due to corrupt system files.
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