Windows constantly ckdsk-ing

14 Sep 2005
All over.
Everytime I boot Windows up it keeps performing a chkdsk on my second hard drive, always giving the result as no error.

I'm not sure why it does it or how to stop it.

Help! :S
Try aborting the chkdsk before it finishes then let windows boot. Now restart and see what happens.

Not a guaranteed fix but it would seem Windows is stuck in a loop and stopping the process before it finishes might sort it.

manually run chkdsk within windows, check fix errors, it may ask for a reboot to get access to the drive let it
usually works for me

that or there is a way to unmount the drive and force checking but i cant remember the command
It's odd. Most times it runs it, but sometimes (maybe only 2 or 3 times since it's started happening) it doesn't chkdsk. I've manually done a chkdsk on it, but it stilll does it. I'll try formatting it.
I had same problem but it was resolved by flashing my m/b bios to the latest release.

I would never had thought of this because I hadn't put in new hardware or changed settings .... it just started to happen, but the updated bios did the trick :D
There is a Registry edit to stop chkdsk running each time you boot/reboot, it is:


New Dword in righthand pane, AutoChkTimeOut and give it a value of 0

There is no space between "o" and "l" in "Control" (which for some reason appears in this post).

This worked for me a while ago, when I had the same problem. If you use this, backup your Registry first. :)
my housemate had a similar problem on his HDD, after a few months of me telling him to make a backup, the HDD gave up and never booted up since.

might be worth gettin gyour manufacturer's diagnostics and giving it a one over to check for damage.

how old is the HDD?
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