Windows Dissapearing

18 Oct 2002
Bristol, United Kingdom
Well I had a playabout with Windows vista and it was ok the only problem I had was that without either the windows cd or my motherboard cd the O/S wouldn't boot.

So I went back and installed Windows XP, and now I'm having the same problem with XP. If tehre is no bootable cd rom in the drive it just wont boot anyone know why?
You got your BIOS options set right?

As in your boot order?


personally I leave it as just boot from HDD0 as this speeds up booting a little and you can always change it to CD-ROM when needed.
yeah havent changed a thing can only think it may be the boot record but for the life of me can't remember how to change that.
The only fix for this error I can seem to find indicates that one of your IDE cables is loose, open up the side and unlplug the IDE cables and reseat them, make sure you do both sides.
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