Windows experience index score?

23 Mar 2007
Hi all i have just ran the windows experience index on my machine and i am kinda confused with the results.

My base score came out at 5.9 this was the breakdown

Processor 7.4
Ram 7.6
Graphics 7.7
Gaming graphics 7.7
Hard drive 5.9

I really cant understand why my hd got such a low mark, its 500gb and its partioned into 4 segments, this is the hd i have

It does state that it can hold data up to 1TB to but it actually only allows 500gb, any ideas to why it would get such a low score?
thats pretty normal for a standard harddrive tbh

if you want a higher score, u need an SSD

i get 7.4 on my SSD
I think almost everybody who still has a mechanical hard drive gets a score of 5.9.

I really wouldn't concern yourself with the windows experience rating too much, here's mine running 2x Samsung F1 1TB drives in RAID. You'll need an ssd to beat 5.9.

O right cool thats kinda put my mind to rest thought i had a naff HD or something, any ideas to why it states this hd can store up to 1TB but only allows you to access 500gb?
This is the spec of it from the OCUK site

The F3 operates at 7200RPM with offerings of up to 1TB data storage capacity by using two 500GB per platter disks. As well as meeting datacentre requirements for addition storage to meet rising demand and increasing performance needs, the new drives also deliver high-performance with lower power for desktop computers and servers.

- Capacity: 500GB
- Cache: 16MB
- Interface: SATA-II
- Spin Speed: 7200RPM
- Seek Time: 8.9ms
- Warranty: 3 Years
To be bluntly honest the whole thing is ********. Hopelessly unreliable and unreasonable, guided by absolutely perverse and completely logically challenged, arcane set of principles.

Stick to proper benchies mate, leave the 'experience' index to grandma.

- Shijeer
This is the spec of it from the OCUK site

The F3 operates at 7200RPM with offerings of up to 1TB data storage capacity by using two 500GB per platter disks. As well as meeting datacentre requirements for addition storage to meet rising demand and increasing performance needs, the new drives also deliver high-performance with lower power for desktop computers and servers.

- Capacity: 500GB
- Cache: 16MB
- Interface: SATA-II
- Spin Speed: 7200RPM
- Seek Time: 8.9ms
- Warranty: 3 Years

I'm afraid in that text they are referrring to the Samsung Spinpoint F3 "range" which does include a 1TB offering. However you have bought the 500Gb disk.....
interesting that the raid setup didnt offer a higher score. i thought it would have nudged it up a litte. i too have a 5.9 score for the harddrive

i think the index score could be of use to folks/parents who arnt tech savy - ie buying a new pc game for son/daughter - 'will it run okay since he installed that new card thingy'

well it might help.. im trying to convince myself here!
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Paying attention to the WEI doesn't make sense :). It's possibly the most irrelevant performance scoring system there is.
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