windows on new conroe system reinstall

29 Oct 2002
well seems I have done something to my windows installation on new rig (see windows forum argh)

anyway, ill prob just bite bullet :mad: and reformat and install whole lot again :rolleyes:

I have one Raptor for win/games, and one 320HD for 'media' - I have installed some programmes on the 'media' drive - virus scanner, winzip, itunes etc...

so what shall I do - I can just (1) reinstall windows back on the rap and delete and reinstall apps on the rest...seems a little inelegant

Or (2) I can reformat the two disks and basically start from scratch again...

How would I go about performing option 2, ie reformatting the disks> using a dos based utility?

slightly confused as to steps in achieving a blank system to start on again

thanks for any help anyone can give, at least I have a long bank holiday to sort the mess out :)
ok so basically, boot from XP disk, it will ask which drive to throw windows on (both of which will be partitioned anyway - is there an option to partition again ie rubbing the lot off first)

then run the new windows, and go to 'manage' and format the other drive

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