Windows popup/spyware error

Install a firewall and enable it
Go into Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services
Find and Disable the Messenger service (Note this is not msnmessenger)

You are running Windows 2000 or XP with no later service packs on, yes?

The messenger service will be automatically disabled when you install these service packs
Yep, that would be the messenger spam. Just turn the blighter off:

Start > Run . type: services.msc > scroll to Meesenger, double click and disable. Reboot.
Definately Messenger Service (START > RUN > type services.msc) not to be confused with MSN Messenger :rolleyes:

Do as suggested above by Andre.

When I fresh install Windows i disconnect the net (cable from PC to modem) until I install a Firewall and disable services not needed like the Messenger one. Also, it also good to apply any service packs (if not slipstreamed) before reconnecting to the net. Good idea also to get all the updates before you fromat/reinstall :D
I am running win xp sp1 home...

I have disabled it in services.msc, installed sygate firewall, and its still coming thru...

pls help
@Echo off
echo , a Win98 hard-disk cleanup tool.
echo ---------------------------------------------------------
echo Copyright (c) 2002
echo ---------------------------------------------------------
echo Use Notepad to view file contents before running!
echo Only you can determine if the file contents and
echo structure are OK to run on *your specific* setup.
echo Please
echo for precaution/usage info and for newer versions.
echo -----------
:: This file is offered as-is and without warranty of any kind.
:: This file may redistributed as long as all header information
:: is retained in the final file.
:: DO NOT PROCEED until and unless you have read the precaution/usagend checked for newer versions at
echo This batch file aggressively cleans up all Temp files, compacts your
echo Registry and Cookies Index, and empties the Temporary Internet File (TIF) area.
echo Note 1: This file MUST be run from pure DOS, not from a DOS window. Note 2:
echo This file uses the standard DELTREE command usually found in Windows\Command.
echo Note 3: This file uses DOS environment variables to locate your Windows
echo and other directories. *Read this file* in Notepad or Edit to ensure
echo it will operate as intended.
:: (If you need and
:: especially
:: Please also note the COMMON SENSE PRECAUTIONS and legal information here:
:: The information on that page is included
:: in this file by reference; and your use of this file indicates your acceptance
:: of responsibility for the use of this file.
echo ---------------------------------------------------------
echo If you haven't followed the instructions above, hit ctrl-c to abort; otherwise
:: check that standard environment variables are in use and if not, abort
if %winbootdir% !==! goto noenv
if %temp% !==! goto noenv
if %tmp% !==! goto noenv
:: if the standard smartdrv disk cache is available, use it to speed things up
if exist %winbootdir%\smartdrv.exe %winbootdir%\smartdrv.exe 2048 16
:: Next line catches missing/nonstandard deltree directory
if not exist %winbootdir%\command\deltree.exe goto nodeltree
:: The next lines wipe out the temp directories in standard locations
deltree /y %winbootdir%\temp\
deltree /y %winbootdir%\tmp\
deltree /y c:\tmp\
deltree /y c:\temp\
:: The next lines wipe out the temp directories in nonstandard locations
:: as long as they are aliased in the environmental variables
:: (may repeat actions of previous deltree operations, but no harm is done)
deltree /y %temp%\
deltree /y %tmp%\
:: Next line kills garbage files that Office leaves behind
del %winbootdir%\ff*.tmp
:: Next line erases the icon cache, saving some resources on restart
if exist %winbootdir%\ShellIconCache deltree /y %winbootdir%\ShellIconCache
:: Next line catches missing/nonstandard cookies directory
if not exist %winbootdir%\cookies\*.* goto nocookie
:: Next line deletes index.dat in the normal cookies directory
deltree /y %winbootdir%\cookies\index.dat
:: Next line checks for, processes standard TIF
if exist %winbootdir%\tempor~1\*.* goto cleantif1
:: If no standard TIF, next line checks for the alternate TIF
:: and if 2nd TIF missing, then no TIF has been found; abort
if not exist %winbootdir%\locals~1\tempor~1\*.* goto notif
:: But if 2nd TIF exists, process it
goto cleantif2
:: this line should never run, but is here for completeness
goto end
:: noenv runs if env variables aren't in use
echo Error!
echo There's a problem with one or more of your environment variables.
echo Batch process aborted. No files deleted.
echo Please edit this file manually to insert the correct path
echo to the referenced directories.
goto end
:: nodeltree runs if deltree can't be located
echo Error! %winbootdir%\command\deltree.exe not found. No files deleted.
echo Please edit this file manually to insert the correct path
echo to your copy of Deltree.exe.
goto end
:: nocookie runs if the cookies directory can't be located
echo Error! %winbootdir%\cookies\ not found. No cookie or TIF files deleted.
echo Please edit this file manually to insert the correct path
echo to your Cookie directory.
goto end
:: notif runs if the TIF can't be located in either standard location
echo Error! Cannot locate TIF! No TIF files deleted.
echo Please edit this file manually to insert the correct path
echo to your TIF directory.
goto end
:: cleantif1 deletes the TIF if in the standard location
if exist %winbootdir%\tempor~1\*.* deltree /y %winbootdir%\tempor~1\
:: cleantif2 deletes the TIF if in the usual alternate location
if exist %winbootdir%\locals~1\tempor~1\*.* deltree /y %winbootdir%\locals~1\tempor~1\
:: if scanreg is available, use it to optimize the registry;
:: if you have trouble with this command,
if exist %winbootdir%\command\scanreg.exe %winbootdir%\command\scanreg.exe /opt
echo Done. Please reboot now.
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