Windows SMP Beta goes Open

I dont know if the Linux SMP client is any more or less efficient than the Windows SMP client.

From my experience the Linux OS itself is more efficient than Windows, so Id imagine the Linux client would get slightly more PPD due to less system tasks being active in the background.
Have you tried rebooting after install .netv2... if you have could you post your latest fahlog entries so we can see exactly what is happening.
Well for me if my maths are still working:

p2651 = 1760points @ 10m 14s/frame = 2476ppd
p2650 = 1148points @ 8m 30s/frame = 1944ppd
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Ok... in my opinion the following works...

Point for Wu = 1760
Time / frame = 614seconds


614*100 = 61400second/WU = 1023minutes/WU = 17.05Hr/WU

1760/17.05 = 103.19 PPHour

103.19x24 = 2476 PPDay
WoZZeR said:
I have managed to install the Windows SMP Client (Quick round of self congratulation:D )

However, it's only using 22 to 33 percent of my CPU? Can I force it to use more?

Will never fold the job in time at low CPU usage I think.


Check to see if there are 4 processes running... each taking 22-23% therefore totalling 88-92% which is what it should be.
joeyjojo said:
Stopped working earlier for some reason. Ran for 41 or so minutes then just hung. Usage dropped to zero and I had to close it with ctrl+c. Instability perhaps.

Ctrl+c is the way to close isn't it? It complains about improper shutdown though :S

Thats bizarre, I had the exact same happen tonight... on a 2651 work unit... never had it happen before. Ctrl-C was the only way out and upon restarting the program it restarted the WU... which was at 94% gutted.
BillytheImpaler said:
:( 2610 is by far the worst of the WinSMP WUs. It takes aaaaaaaaages to crunch on my machines.

No no no no... 2610 are my favourite of the WinSMP units... here are my average PPDs taken from FahMon benchmarks.

2604 = 2297.04 ppd
2605 = 2374.71 ppd
2610 = 2758.64 ppd
2651 = 2448.70 ppd
2652 = 1922.23 ppd
Id recommend you run Memtest86 or similar...

I had problems with one of my old rigs running FaH and it would prime fine for hours and hours, gaming, encoding, everything worked great, but running FaH i would get EUEs all over the place, using Memtest86 i tracked it down to a failing 1gb Crucial Ballistix stick, got it RMAed and all was well again.
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