Windows won't shut down

31 Jul 2005
When I hit the shut down button when I finish, my computer comes up with the "Windows is shutting down" screen, but then nothing happens. After a while I have to hold my power button to get the thing to physically turn off. Am I right in assuming some program or other isn't shutting down properly and stalling the system?
How do I check?
My Dad has the same problem (though it does shut down eventually, but can take over 10 minutes). He tracked it down to a USB device that was faulty. When he unplugged it, shutdown started working again. No idea if your problem is related, but it'd be worth seeing if you have the same problem with any USB devices unplugged.
I have the same problem with Vista X64! The computer "shuts down" and the monitor reports no input being received but you can still hear the fans whiring away and the computers still on. I would be grateful if anyone has any other suggestions. BTW: I've changed Vista's power settings.
Have you tried a shutdown when the pc is in safe mode? as if it's driver related safe mode will only load the min required drivers and this may point to a driver/hardware problem. Had problems before with a soundcard that worked but would casue shutdown problems. It depends on whether your os is xp or vista so don't forget to include this in the post.

Some of us still use xp. :D

Had to fix 2 pc's this year running windows 2000 and 1 running win 98!

Now where did I put that copy of win 3.11 (you never know!) :)
It's XP I'm using on a brand new system. I wonder if I have messed up a setting or something as I installed the .net stuff and took some bits and piecesout of startup, gave me an error message on msn at bootup, but thatr seems to have cleared up now.
Think I've sussed it. I still had my external drive plugged nto the computer but it was switched off. Seemed to be waiting for it to do something I guess...
check the badasses sticky to tweaking windows performance, it has a bit about tweaking options for shutdown, that might help with your prolonged shutdown problem.
I did have this problem once but it was on a dying pc so i just put it down to hardware error.
if all fails the company you bought it from may have a support desk you can call or options for you to bring it in and have a look, its a last resort but i thought it was worth mentioning just in case.
I have the same problem with Vista X64! The computer "shuts down" and the monitor reports no input being received but you can still hear the fans whiring away and the computers still on. I would be grateful if anyone has any other suggestions. BTW: I've changed Vista's power settings.

OK, just got this problem on my new PC. It's only just started doing this, didn't from new, I guess some recent driver or software install? The only thing I've installed recently is Nero8, could that cause it?

Vista x64 shutdown, it shows shutdown screen and very quickly turns off monitors, USB hubs etc. but then just hangs with PC still powered, all fans and HDDs on, but ZERO HDD activity. It can take maybe 5 mins, but then it eventually turns off.

Want to make sure this is not a PSU or Motherboard issue.

Q6600 G0
GA-X38-DQ6 (F3 BIOS)
Corsair 520HX

I've had a few bad PSU's before, just wondering if the PSU is taking a while to detect the turn-off signal? OR is this a driver/software issue? Is the debug process to test in safe-mode? :)
Just tried safe-mode and it's still taking a long time (minutes) between Vista turning monitors off and HDDs off before motherboard power is cut. Any ideas?
Ok I had a problem like this ages ago, I fixed by downloading a file from microsoft knowledge base, it's called UPHClean
It basically tries to kill (safely) anything that isn't allowing the shutdown, recommend u guys give it a go...
Good luck.
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