Windsor Mini-Meet - Tuesday 16th May

7 Nov 2002
Snorbans, UK
Afternoon all,

Myself and Scuzi are going to be meeting up for a couple of pints on Tuesday 16th in Windsor.

Anyone else around that wants to come?

Ben :)
Come on you lot, it's only out for a few pints! I'm working the next day so I'll only be having a few.
fieldy said:
I live in the area so I may pop along if thats cool, what bar?

Haven't chosen a bar yet but I've been frequenting the Carpenters Arms recently so that's a possibility. Any suggestions yourself?
Concorde Rules said:
Dam you! me = under 18

How about gathering all the Windsorian MSNs together? :p

I would like to as well, accept I'm 16 so that sucks :p. Then again I don't have to dirnk but I suppose you don't want a 16 year old hanging out with you in a pub :D
Would have be up fpr a couple of swift ones but sadly will be away that night.

Maybe next time?
Come on, we need more than 3 people!

PmKeates mentioned to me on MSN that he might be up for a quick blast around the M25 :)
We haven't picked a venue yet, any bar would do. It's not going to be a big meet unless more of you sign up :p
As I said, it's not really a proper meet, just a dander up the street for a few wee jars.
As -westy-'s said, I'm going to whizz around the M25 at probably not legal speeds to get to Windsor after I get back from work at 6, and then have to whizz back at even less legal speeds so I can get up for work at 5:30 Wednesday morning :p
PMKeates said:
As -westy-'s said, I'm going to whizz around the M25 at probably not legal speeds to get to Windsor after I get back from work at 6, and then have to whizz back at even less legal speeds so I can get up for work at 5:30 Wednesday morning :p

I don't finish work until ~9pm so I'll be scooting down the M4 rather quick to get back :p
So I take it no one else can possibly even remotely make it? There's a drink on me for the first 5* people!

* - List is below

1. -westy-
2. Scuzi
3. Me, it seems!
Even though I'm skint, there's a pint in it for anyone else who wants to come along.

So where are we going to go then? :D
How can people not come!? 2 free drinks, guaranteed!? I'd drive from ruddy Scotland for this!

I know Windsor as well as my backside, i.e. not at all, so I'd probably be the worst person to decide where we go :p
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