WinRAR and Win7...

8 Sep 2003
Was 150 yds from OCUK - now 0.5 mile; they moved
Hiya, does anyone know of a fix to allow folders to be written to system folders when you extract to a new location.

Ie. I open a zip and want to extract to c:\program files\coretemp

It doesnt allow it normally.
i guess you'd have to somehow run it with admin privileges

are you talking abotut he inbuilt zip function?
If you right click Winrar, then chose run as admin. Then you can navigate through the folders and extract that way. I just tested it for you, works fine for me - W7 64 bit.
For this reason, I create a folder called C:\Utilities

Most of the ones I have in there are portable anyway, so no need to install everything each time.. just copy/paste
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