winrar's gone mad..

10 Apr 2003

Sorry if this is in the wrong place but yeah..

Basically, i've recently done a fresh install on my comp as it started to go a bit crazy and doing random things like not rebooting after a general shut down at night, as in the next morning i'd turn it back on a get a windows system config corruption message.. please reinstall windows etc etc.

Got around this by using ghost backups as didnt have time to fully reinstall things from scratch due to havin uni work to get finished (which i did, design disertation started and finished in 2 weeks :D (not recommended folks, way too much caffine required :eek: ))

Anyway.. spare time is upon me again so have done the hole reinstall thing and all seems to be rosey, apart from the fact that now when ever i download a chunky sized rar'ed file, a number of rars will be shown as damaged. The number of damaged or corrupted rars will change the next time i try to extract and if i put the original big rar over our network to a friends comp, it will extract fine on that comp.

System is clocked so reset it to standard which made no difference.. confused.

Been tryin to sort for a few days so thought i ask you chaps if anyones come across this before.

Cheers me dears
Might be a RAM problem or a hard drive problem.

Run Chkdsk for the hard drive.

And then for the RAM run memtest for a few hours.
cheers for that..

but have run some tests and everything seems fine. Games play fine, encoding video is fine, and stress testing works for hours.

Hmmm.. its a strange one

Any more suggestions?
I had a similar problem with some large >2GB zip files.

I usually use Winrar to extract all my compressed stuff, but for some reason whenever I tried, it just came back with an error about corrupt or multipart file and wouldnt extract anything.

I installed winzip and that extracted them all perfectly, no errors or anything.

I know you said they were actually rar files you were trying, but try a different extractor and see if that makes a difference. Just a suggestion...
As me227 said it sounds like a RAM/HDD problem. If checkdisk ran ok, then run memtest overnight to check for errors. I had a similiar problem a few months back and ran memtest for a couple of hours with no errors. After a few days of frustration I decided to run memtest again, and left it on overnight. In the morning it had found a number of errors.
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