wiper.exe for SSD Drives - Where can i download it?

12 Feb 2004
so i got a crucial 64gb ssd at launch and want to use wiper.exe that everyone is talking about.

ive tried looking but not sure where i can download it from, any links guys?

More to the point - do you want to use it - I set it going on a (nearly new) crucial 128GB drive 2 hours ago and its only done 5.28% - that makes about 40 hours!!! to complete - CAN I STOP IT?

Help !

Mel P
More to the point - do you want to use it - I set it going on a (nearly new) crucial 128GB drive 2 hours ago and its only done 5.28% - that makes about 40 hours!!! to complete - CAN I STOP IT?

Help !

Mel P

thats strange mines done in minute or so unless im missing something,mines a 64gb crucial,it comes up with a black box and does a count up in percentage

can you post a screen shot please,im interested to see
Up to 6.25%.

Just joined Crucial forum and posted there - apparently it's because I have 1 x 1TB drives in RAID1 on the intel controller.

Ive got a couple of vertex drives and when they were using firmware 1.1 wiper would be done in around 1 min. Now its at firmware 1.4 they are super slow like yours, about 5% after an hour or whatever. Not really ideal at all! They should use garbage collection though, which I think still works in RAID 0. Just log off for half an hour or so, so that the drives are inactive and it does its work and improves their performance :)
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