Wiping my HDD mp3 player?

12 Jun 2004
Hmm. I use my mp3 player a lot, well over 2 years old now and obviously i've been transfering a lot of files to and from it. Anyways, it has got a lot slower recently and i am in the process of moving all of my music to my new iPod.

The question, it is okay to wipe my mp3 player's hard disk using Windows, cleaning it up and maybe making it a bit faster? I have also noticed the capacity has shrunk, it can now only hold 13Gb instead of 20Gb...sign of old age or just needs to be properly cleaned?

Some MP3 players don't like it if you format them in Windows (i.e. as if you were formatting them like a regular HDD) - I know that iPods don't. Look and see if there's any kind of software from the manufacturer that will do the format process for you. Apple's one is built into the iPod updater - it updates the unit to the latest firmware, but can also be used to restore it to a clean state.
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