Wireless PS3 help

I use a couple of powerline adapters for my PS3 and they work a treat. http://www.overclockers.co.uk/productlist.php?groupid=46&catid=800

Not cheap tough as you are looking at about £100 for two. But dead easy to setup as you just plug one into the mains next to your router and connect an ethernet cable from your router into the powerline adapter. Then plug the other into the mains near your PS3 and connect the ethernet cable from PS3 to powerline adapter.

hope this helps ;)
Good idea but I have a separate power supply going to my room as its above the garage, so dont think it would work. Which is a shame :(

Is it okay to have another wireless router attatched to another one?
why not get a more powerful wireless router, something like a MIMO one and then if it still doesnt reach (you must live in a mansion) use a wireless relay thingy - not sure if thats what they are called but they basically pick up the signal and then boost it again for greater distances.

If this doesn't work I recomend modding a pringles tube to pick up the signal for your PS3 ;)
Its cause I live above the garage so its not actual near the house, kinda. So getting a more powerful wireless router wont help.

I have a cable from the main network to my room, but what are the options to put a wireless network in my room?
The problem with the switch idea is that I will need to run a cable to the opposite side of the room. I have already got a speaker and video cables running round the edges of the room under the carpet and there is no more room there.

So basically need wireless. But what is a wireless bridge? All I found was this diagram which looks like the wireless bridge may not work?

A bridge should work fine. If you place it so it can pickup your current signal, but as close to the PS3 as you can you shouldn't have a problem. If you pick one up from one of the highstreet shops you can always take it back again if there's a problem.

I have a Belkin bridge downstairs because my one AP struggles to reach every part of my house.
Oh right I get how it works, the problem is that it won't work with the setup we have. As the wireless is in a different builing. Im above a garage which isn't attatched to the main house.

Keep the ideas flowing, thanks though.
I was thinking more about using the bridge in an unconventional way though. Have the ethernet cable coming from your house plugged into the bridge and then have wireless devices connect to the bridge wirelessly... anyone know if this would work?
But then I would need a switch as well. Think I will just use PS3 for the moment and then sort out a switch and run a cable somehow.

Thanks for all the advice though :)
why not connect the ethernet cable you have coming into the room to a powerline adapter and then any other powerline adapters in the same room (or on same electrical loop even) will pickup signal.

You can run multiple powerlines from the one input, a bit like having a switch or hub.. havent a clue how it works though!!!
Well the problem with that is that I have pc on the opposite side of the room from the PS3. The cable I have now coming to my pc still needs to enter the pc. If I used the power adapter thing I will need a switch so that the cable still goes to pc.
Griffyn said:
Well the problem with that is that I have pc on the opposite side of the room from the PS3. The cable I have now coming to my pc still needs to enter the pc. If I used the power adapter thing I will need a switch so that the cable still goes to pc.
You dont need a switch or hub though with powerline adapters. One can go into mains and multiple can come out. I read it in the instructions to mine and was quite amazed - havent a clue how it works!
Sorry, I misread, you already have a cat5 cable there to connect to your pc? If so, shove that cable into the back of a wireless ap/bridge and whack a pci wireless card in your pc, job done.
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Yeah thats defo an option but I dont like having my pc on wireless from previous experiences. I may have to go down the switch and AP route so I can still use my pc with a cable.

Do you guys use wireless for gaming/downloading? Just when I used it before it would drop out all the time! So wasn't very good and never used it since.
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